Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 3, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Mumia Abu-Jamal

"Slavery is a blight on our history, and racism is still 
with us. ... The party of Lincoln has not always worn the 
mantle of Lincoln." Gov. George W. Bush, Texas. (excerpt 
from NAACP speech, July 10)

With the pleas of half a dozen brave protestors shouting 
about the "legal lynching" of the late Texas death row 
inmate Gary Graham (Shaka Sankofa) ringing in the Baltimore 
air, the nation's Republican presidential candidate 
appeared before the NAACP national convention in an attempt 
to demonstrate the ways of a "compassionate conservative." 

In his 20-minute speech that invoked the names of NAACP 
founder W.E.B. DuBois, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, and 
other historical figures, Gov. Bush demonstrated, if not 
great oratorical ability, that indispensable political 
skill of talking without saying much of anything. 

For who but the dimmest among us doesn't know that slavery 
was a blight on our history," or that "Lincoln's party has 
not always worn Lincoln's mantle?" Bush, speaking before a 
predominantly Black group, did not mention "affirmative 
action," the "confederate flag," "Amadou Diallo," "Gary 
Graham," nor the "death penalty." He did refer to "school 
choice," a code for public tax support for vouchers. The 
national membership gave Bush polite and tepid applause. 

Despite an invitation issued in opening remarks by NAACP 
President Kweisi Mfume, Gov. Bush did not define the often-
touted term, "compassionate conservative." One wonders, 
however, what is it? A "reasonable racist?" A "friendly 
fascist?" A "doting despot?"It appears a "compassionate 
conservative" is a conservative who smiles while saying 

With regard to the "mantle of Lincoln" and the "party of 
Lincoln," it appears that neither the mantle nor the party 
of Lincoln were what we've come to think of as Lincoln. 
Consider the insights of historian James McPherson who, in 
his book The Negro's Civil War (1965/1991), notes the idea 
of the Republican Party as anti-slavery and Lincoln as the 
supporter of equal rights were seen as nonsense at the 

"The Republican party, nominally anti-slavery, was 
officially opposed only to the extension of slavery into 
the new territories. No major political party proposed to 
take action against slavery where it already existed. 
During the campaign, Democrats charged that if the 
Republicans won the election, they would abolish slavery 
and grant civil equality to Negroes. `That is not so,' 
rejoined Horace Greeley, an influential Republican 
spokesman. `Never on earth did the Republican Party propose 
to abolish slavery.... Its object with respect to slavery 
is simply, nakedly, avowedly, its restriction to the 
existing states.' ...Lincoln himself had repeatedly voiced 
his opposition to equal rights for free Negroes." [pp.3-4]

The "party of Lincoln?" "Compassionate conservative?" The 
brilliant Frederick Douglass, although a Republican "field 
hand" (his own words), bitterly attacked President Lincoln 
during the height of the Civil War:

"I come now to the policy of President Lincoln in 
reference to slavery. ... I do not hesitate to say, that 
whatever may have been his intentions, the action of 
President Lincoln has been calculated in a marked and 
decided way to shield and protect it from the very blows 
which its horrible crimes have loudly and persistently 
invited... He has steadily refused to proclaim.complete 
emancipation to all the slaves of rebels who should make 
their way into the lines of our army. He has repeatedly 
interfered with and arrested the anti-slavery policy of 
some of his most earnest and reliable generals." 
(McPherson, p.47)

Frederick Douglass was speaking in 1862, several years 
before the war ended. While he was a Republican (as were 
many Blacks of that period) he was not reluctant to 
strongly criticize a Republican President--in wartime! Can 
African-Americans today do any less? 

Both major American political parties exist to serve 
corporate interests, above all else, not the interests of 
workers, or the poor, or the oppressed. Instead of the 
sickening sycophancy that today passes for Black support of 
political parties that don't support Black interests, we 
should learn from the bold, outspoken Douglass. Criticize! 
Viable, radical and revolutionary parties should also be 
organized and energized to provide real, meaningful 

                         - END -

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