Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 7, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper

New Cuba 5 campaign


By Teresa Gutierrez

The National Committee to Free the Cuban 5 has launched an important
campaign to win visiting rights for Olga Salanueva and Adriana Pérez,
wives of René González and Gerardo Hernández, respectively.

Hernández and González, along with their comrades Fernando González,
Ramón Labańino and Antonio Guerrero, were wrongfully imprisoned by the
U.S. Justice Department in September 1998 for defending Cuba from
terrorist attacks organized from the United States. The five were
charged with espionage against the U.S., when in fact they were
infiltrating the anti-Cuba, anti-Fidel Castro terrorist groups operating
from southern Florida.

They were tried and convicted in May 2001 in Miami--the center for the
anti-Castro right-wing terrorist groups. In December 2001 they were
sentenced and sent to five federal prisons throughout this country to
serve long prison terms-three for life terms.

Salanueva and Pérez have been denied entry visas by the U.S. three times
and have been unable to visit their husbands.

Gloria La Riva, national coordinator of the committee, said, "For the
families to win the right to visit their husbands will take the support
of thousands of people, from the U.S. and around the world.

"This campaign," she continued, "has already gained tremendous momentum,
not only in this country but around the world."


Olga Salanueva, wife of René González wrote: "I have requested a visa to
visit René on three occasions. Three times I have been denied by the
U.S. government authorities. In this manner, they have also deprived my
little Ivette of any contact with her father.

"If every person in prison has the right to be visited by family members
and should have their human rights and dignity respected, then why can't
we be reunited even under these cruel conditions? Why do they keep a
couple from holding hands as a sign of support, love and commitment?"

With the case of the Cuban Five, the Cuban people have once again
learned the depths of the inhumane justice system in the U.S.

The wife of Gerardo Hernández, Adriana Pérez, stated: "The repeated
denial of a visa has forced us into a major separation, to suffer the
constant violation of human rights and international law. It increases
our anxiety and the perpetual punishment of not being able to see each

"With almost 15 years of marriage, I ask myself: When will we be able to
look into each others' eyes? Who has the right to violate international
law? When will there be justice?"

Many agree with these women. The cam paign to win visas has attracted
significant support here and around the world.

Ossie Davis, Ramsey Clark, Dolores Huerta, Jane Franklin, attorney
Michael Smith and Bishop Thomas Gumbleton are some of the individuals
who have signed on to the call to allow Salanueva and Pérez to enter the

In addition, the Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, Bishop Gumbleton and the Rev.
Lucius Walker have said that they would be part of a ministerial
accompaniment for the wives.

Around the world, Cuba 5 solidarity committees have picked up the call
for the visa campaign and are gathering signatures.

La Riva stated, "This is a winnable campaign. We are confident that we
can mount the kind of struggle that is needed to make sure that
Salanueva and Pérez visit their husbands."

To find out how you can help, contact the committee at (415) 821-6545 in
San Francisco or (212) 633-6646 in New York. For more information or
literature on the campaign, visit www.freethefive.org.

- END -

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