Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 12, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Richard Becker

Since the new Intifada (Uprising) began on Sept. 29, 2000, 
more than 400 Palestinians and 71 Israelis have been killed. 
Of the 12,000 people seriously wounded, more than 95 percent 
have been Palestinian.

Nearly all the fighting and dying has gone on inside the 
less than 5 percent of historic Palestine that is today 
under the tenuous control of the Palestinian Authority. 
Palestinian living standards have plummeted, and Palestinian 
per capita income is today one-tenth that of Israelis.

Yet the impression created by the U.S. corporate media is 
just the opposite. ABC, CNN, the New York Times, etc., 
taking their lead from the State Department, convey a 
picture of Israel as the victim, and the Palestinians as the 

Completely lost in the highly distorted coverage is the 
reality that the Palestinians are fighting to end the 
illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza by the U.S.-
supplied Israeli military and 200,000 armed settlers. The 
Palestinians have international law and scores of UN 
resolutions--not to mention elementary justice--on their 

But while the U.S. leaders and their media frequently invoke 
international legality when it suits their purposes, they 
seem to develop total amnesia on the subject when it comes 
to the Palestinians.


The Bush administration's first veto at the UN Security 
Council was cast against the Palestinians' request that 
unarmed UN observers be sent to the occupied West Bank and 
Gaza. Israel was adamantly opposed to the observers be sent 
into these areas. Anyone who has traveled to the occupied 
territories will understand why: the on-going repression, 
brutality and deprivation enforced by the occupation is all-
too apparent.

The UN Security Council, in many resolutions including 
numbers 242 and 338, has called for Israel to withdraw from 
the West Bank and Gaza, which Israeli conquered the 1967 war 
against Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Instead of withdrawing, 
however, Israel has annexed East Jerusalem and a large part 
of the West Bank, and settled hundreds of thousands of 
Israelis in other parts of the West Bank and Gaza.

The UN has repeatedly condemned these actions as blatant 
violations of international law.

Despite violating as many as 70 UN resolutions, Israel has 
never suffered sanctions, much less any military action. 
Israel is protected by the United States, which in turn 
exercises decisive control over the UN.

The contrast between Israel's privileged and protected 
status, and the genocidal punishment administered by bombs 
and blockade against Iraq, is the cause of deep anger 
throughout the Middle East.

Labeling the very mild resolution on observers as 
"unbalanced," the U.S. blocked its passage. The vote was 
nine in favor, one opposed and five abstaining, but since 
the U.S. has veto power in the Security Council, the 
resolution was defeated.

The Security Council vote was part of a more openly pro-
Israeli stance adopted by the new Bush administration. The 
administration emphasized its orientation by inviting the 
newly elected Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon--a 
notorious war criminal--to Washington, while issuing no such 
invitation to Palestinian Authority President Yasir Arafat.

Then on March 29, Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell 
demanded that the Palestinians "stop the violence," while 
simply urging the Israelis to "show restraint."


In recent days, the media has focused almost unlimited 
attention on the death of a 10-month-old Israeli child, 
reportedly hit by a Palestinian bullet in Hebron, West Bank. 
Hebron is home to more than 120,000 Palestinians and 500 
Israeli settlers. The settlers' zone is 20 percent of the 
city, despite their small numbers.

The Hebron settlers are infamous for their extreme anti-Arab 
racism and fascist violence against the Palestinians. Armed 
with government-supplied automatic weapons, they frequently 
rampage through the streets, killing and wounding unarmed 
Palestinians, burning their shops and houses, and carrying 
out other atrocities, always under protection of the Israeli 

It was in Hebron that a U.S.-born settler, Baruch Goldstein, 
burst into the Mosque of Ibrahim several years ago, 
massacring 29 Palestinian worshippers. Goldstein is regarded 
as a hero by many of the Hebron settlers, who demand that 
all Palestinians must leave all of Palestine.

The U.S. media covered the story of the Israeli child killed 
in Hebron for several days, focusing on the grief of parents 
and other settlers in a manner never accorded to grieving 
Palestinian families, although there are many more of the 

An unidentified reporter for the Palestine Monitor, visiting 
Hebron during the same time period, described this 

"The situation that I witnessed yesterday was fueled by the 
expansion of settlements, the confiscation of Palestinian 
land and resources and the continued brutal occupation of 
millions of Palestinians. Palestinian children have been 
shot and killed by Israeli snipers and settlers as well, but 
the international media covers their deaths as simple 
casualties of war.

"Palestinian children like 12-month-old Sara Abdel Azeem 
Hazan, shot and killed by settlers in Nablus, 12 year-old 
Samer Tabanja killed by a helicopter gunship as he stood on 
his roof, 9-year-old Obei Darraj, shot by an Israeli sniper 
while he played in his bedroom, 2-month-old Hind Nadal Jamil 
Abu Qwedar suffocated by teargas thrown by Israeli soldiers, 
14 year-old Ahmad 'Ali Hasan Al- Qawasmi, shot to death in 
an alley by an Israeli soldier in Hebron, and of course 
Muhammad Al Durra 12, gunned down by Israeli soldiers."

Bush and Clinton before him have issued repeated calls to 
"stop the violence" since the Intifada began. They are not 
referring to the on-going, day-to-day violence of the 
occupation: the shooting of demonstrators, the systematic 
torture and abuse of Palestinian political prisoners, the 
demolition of Palestinian homes and olive groves. Nor are 
they talking about the hundreds of helicopter missile 
attacks and tank shellings of Palestinian residential areas.

What "stop the violence" really means in the mouths of U.S. 
and Israeli political leaders is "stop resisting." Both Bush 
and Sharon have demanded that the Palestinians must end the 
Intifada before any negotiations can be resumed. But the 
Palestinians believe, as one activist put it, that "to stop 
the Intifada now is to lose everything."

In fact, the Intifada is a product of the failure of the 
"peace process." In its extremely distorted depiction of 
reality, the capitalist media here has assigned blame for 
this failure to the Palestinian side's "intransigence." But 
any objective assessment presents a very different picture.

The U.S./Israeli side has said "No" to the Palestinians on 
all the major issues: "No" to a real state, with contiguous 
territory and control over its own borders; "No" to East 
Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state; "No" the 
removal of the illegal Israeli settlements inside the West 
Bank and Gaza; and "No" to the right to return for the 5 
million Palestinians and their descendants driven out of 
Palestine in 1948 and since to make way for the Israeli 

The U.S., contrary to the image promoted here, has never 
been an "honest broker" in the "peace process." How could it 
be, when it has given one side, Israel, hundreds of billions 
of dollars, all kinds of modern weaponry including nuclear 
weapons, and the political and diplomatic protection of the 
U.S. imperial state? For the other side, the Palestinians, 
the U.S. rulers have had nothing to offer but extreme 

The unmatched support the U.S. gives to Israel -- more than 
a quarter of all U.S. foreign aid to a country of only 6-7 
million people--is not a result of sympathy. Neither is it 
primarily due to the influence of the pro-Israeli lobby. 
Instead, the U.S. arming and funding of Israel -- without 
which it could not be the power it is today--is due to U.S. 
economic and geo-political interests.

For several decades, Washington has viewed Israel as an 
invaluable asset in a key strategic region. The Middle East 
holds two-thirds of the world's petroleum supply, and 
control of the area has meant unimaginable profits to U.S. 
banks, oil companies, military contractors and other 
corporate sectors. In addition, control of the world's oil 
is viewed as critical to U.S. imperialism's global 

For the past six decades, since the time of World War II, 
domination of the Middle East's oil has been a fixed and 
central objective of U.S. foreign policy. Israel, sometimes 
referred to by U.S. officials like former Secretary of 
Defense Caspar Weinberger as "an unsinkable aircraft 
carrier," is seen as a crucial extension of Pentagon 
military power in the heart of the region. That is why 
Washington has lavished such massive assistance on Israel, 
and turned this tiny state into the world's fourth-ranked 
military machine.

The role of Israel in the U.S. empire is inherently opposed 
to the interests of the Palestinian people and all the 
peoples of the Middle East. At the same time, its assigned 
role as a garrison state--a perpetual warfare state--in 
imperialism's system, means that Israel can never be the 
solution or salvation for Jewish people that its supporters 
proclaim it to be.

Real peace in the Middle East will only be possible when 
there is real justice for the Palestinian people. Justice 
for the Palestinians means, minimally, a truly independent 
state with contiguous territory and control of its own 
borders, Jerusalem as its capital, and the right to return 
for all the Palestinian people.

- END -

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