Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 7, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper

President Fidel Castro to Bush:


[On May 1, Fidel Castro ended his address with the following words, which
are all the more telling now that the Iraqi resistance has shown what
kind of obstacle U.S. imperialism faces in its attempt to use military
power to conquer the world's resources.]

A shameless scoundrel with the poorly chosen first name Lincoln, and the
last name Díaz-Balart, an intimate friend and adviser of President Bush,
has made this enigmatic statement to a Miami TV station: "I can't go
into details, but we're trying to break this vicious cycle."

What methods are they considering to deal with this vicious cycle?
Physically eliminating me with the sophisticated modern means they have
developed, as Mr. Bush promised them in Texas before the elections?
Or attacking Cuba the way they attacked Iraq?

If it were the former, it does not worry me in the least. The ideas for
which I have fought all my life will not die, and they will live on for
a long time.

If the solution were to attack Cuba like Iraq, I would suffer greatly
because of the cost in lives and the enormous destruction it would bring
on Cuba. But, it might turn out to be the last of this administration's
fascist attacks, because the struggle would last a very long time.

The aggressors would not merely be facing an army, but rather thousands
of armies that would constantly reproduce themselves and make the enemy
pay such a high cost in casualties that it would far exceed the cost in
lives of its sons and daughters that the Amer can people would be
willing to pay for the adventures and ideas of President Bush. Today, he
enjoys majority support, but it is dropping, and tomorrow it could be
reduced to zero.

The American people, the millions of highly cultivated individuals who
reason and think, their basic ethical principles, the tens of millions
of computers with which to communicate, hundreds of times more than at
the end of the Vietnam war, will show that you cannot fool all of the
people, and perhaps not even part of the people, all of the time. One
day they will put a straightjacket on those who need it before they
manage to annihilate life on the planet.

On behalf of the one million people gathered here this May Day, I want
to convey a message to the world and the American people:

We do not want the blood of Cubans and Americans to be shed in a war. We
do not want a countless number of lives of people who could be friends
to be lost in an armed conflict. But never has a people had such sacred
things to defend, or such profound convictions to fight for, to such a
degree that they would rather be obliterated from the face of the Earth
than abandon the noble and generous work for which so many generations
of Cubans have paid the high cost of the lives of many of their finest
sons and daughters.

We are sustained by the deepest conviction that ideas are worth more
than weapons, no matter how sophisticated and powerful those weapons may

Let us say like Che Guevara when he bid us farewell:

Ever onward to victory!

- END -

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