Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 31, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


Gen. Wesley Clark, who commanded NATO forces during the Yugoslav war 
and is now retired from the military, is certainly no man of peace. But he 
is challenging the Bush administration's conduct of the Iraq war and 
preparing for a possible bid for the presidency. Here's what he said 
about the effort to blame 9/11 on Iraq, when questioned by Tim Russert 
of Meet the Press on June 15:

"Well, it came from the White House, it came from people around the 
White House. It came from all over. I got a call on 9/11. I was on CNN, 
and I got a call at my home saying, 'You got to say this is connected. 
This is state-sponsored terrorism. This has to be connected to Saddam 
Hussein.' ... And these were people who had Middle East think tanks and 
people like this and it was a lot of pressure to connect this and there 
were a lot of assumptions made. ... I didn't talk to anybody who had 

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