On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 17:22:05 -0500, Brian Lewis wrote:
> On Thursday, 13.08.09 at 22:59, Eric Y. Kow wrote:
> > First: wxcore doesn't compile against the default wxWidgets on MacOS
> > X, which is fine because I've gotten used to building my own
> > wxWidgets.
> I don't think I have a mac I can work on. Please send me the errors
> and/or investigate?

I'll send you the errors first.  I think it's just that when compiling
my software GenI, GHC isn't getting the -L flags it needs to find my
wxWidgets (say -L /custom/wxWidgets-2.8/lib).  We know what these flags
are since we can compile wxcore; we just need to save them to the
package description 

> > Second: the old wxHaskell had a convention where if a wx-config lives in
> > /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin that we would use it. This would make it a bit
> > more straightforward to cabal install wxcore, i.e. without having to do
> > something like PATH=/usr/local/wxhaskell/bin:$PATH cabal install wxcore.
> > Can you think of a good/simple mechanism to let people use their own
> > wxWidgets??
> I can look into it, but I don't understand. Is it related to installing
> wxWidgets yourself? Are you saying that /usr/bin/wx-config and
> /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/wx-config disagree? That seems bad.

It is related to installing wxWidgets myself (*)

MacOS X ships with its own wxWidgets, which /usr/bin/wx-config points
to.  I just need to make sure I'm running the wx-config that goes with
my wxWidgets instead.

Perhaps a simple solution is just for us to ship docs that remind people
to edit their bashrc files and put their wxWidgets bin in the PATH.  No
silly mechanisms.

* A regrettable necessity on Macs for some reason; too bad too, because
  I was pretty psyched about MacOS X shipping with wxWidgets by default.
  Actually, for some odd reason I can't get wxHaskell to work with
  Ubuntu 9.04's wxGTK either and had to install my own as well.

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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