Firstly I'd like to say thanks to Eric for offering up these patches,
I've only been working with wxHaskell for a few months, but I must say
I wholeheartedly welcome the work; I for one don't want to see
wxHaskell go the same way as ewxw!

I just have a few requests/questions for you Eric:
1. Could you indicate exactly which patches are required (I've never
applied a darcs patch from an email, so I'm curious to try), or:
2. Are the patches available on a darcs repo somewhere?
Either way I'd like to get the de-eiffel-ification in to my darcsden
wxhaskell-devel branch[1]

3. I see that you've removed all the "wxACCEL_ALT    : INTEGER is 1"
style constant exports; with them removed how to do the constants get
exposed in Haskell?
4. How "WIP" do you mean by "WIP"? :)



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