Johan Vromans wrote:

>How does it look like? Wx crash? Perl-Wx crash? Perl crash?

Sorry, not helpful of me.

I'm running under Komodo 5 and I get a Perl crash.  I get a windows 
pop-up box which says words to the effect "Please notify Microsoft ...." 
and the GUI closes back to Komodo.  Komodo doesn't display any other 

Since then I have been running Data::Dumper to see if there is anything
that I have not deleted that could be causing this, but it's not really 
helping because the controls have not yet been deleted (see Help doc below).


....... Frames and dialogs are not destroyed immediately when this function
is called -- they are added to a list of windows to be deleted on idle time,

So when I dump the data, I get everything, as though I had not even 
run ->Destroy().

I'm not sure how to diagnose this problem except by successively cutting
out pieces of my code.  Really I'd like to dump the current wx object model.

Any ideas welcome. 



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