On 12/05/2010 04:36 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

Here below I added a sample program that gives an error if WxPerl, LWP and 
version.pm are used together.

I don't see any evidence by quickly looking over the respective sources that either WxPerl or LWP use the version.pm module at all. Additionally, Perl 5.10.1 includes version.pm in the core also (albeit, not the most recent release). So I'm thoroughly confused about what could be going on.

The program works fine if either
- With Wx::Locale I use the language id 56 (for English) instead of 155 (for 
Romanian) or
- instead of "use version;" I use "use version();".

The sole difference between those two call is the former implicitly calls the version::import. And there are only two methods exported by default: qv() and UNIVERSAL::VERSION. As you can guess by the name, the latter is exported into the UNIVERSAL namespace (and is required to add a version-aware fallback comparison method).

The first problem is that I need to localize a WxPerl app and I also need to be able to 
use the Romanian language and the second problem is that I use REST::Google::Translate 
which uses "use version;" (without quotes.

You are reporting two problems, but only giving details for one. I'm guessing that you are saying that if you add REST::Google::Translate, its own 'use version' is what is causing _your_ script to fail. If I am not understanding you, please clarify.

I much prefer to use rt.cpan.org to track bugs against version.pm. I don't have a Windows box I can use for testing at the moment, so it may be some time before I can take a look at it. It would help me a lot if you could uninstall the newer version.pm and see if you still get an error in your test script with "use version;" included (since that is essentially a no-op with Perl 5.10.x and above).


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