Hi People,

I'm using wxMediaCtrl to play an .avi file that I generated with ffmpeg.

The file plays well with realplayer standalone, but not so well with Windows
Media Player standalone.

When I use:

     $self->{Ctl_Videos_Media}= Wx::MediaCtrl->new(
$self->{Ctl__Videos_Pane_1}, wxID_ANY, '', [-1,-1], [-1,-1],0,

I get no response.

When I use:

     $self->{Ctl_Videos_Media}= Wx::MediaCtrl->new(
$self->{Ctl__Videos_Pane_1}, wxID_ANY, '', [-1,-1], [-1,-1],0,

It plays badly with MediaPlayer DivX.

When I use:

     $self->{Ctl_Videos_Media}= Wx::MediaCtrl->new(
$self->{Ctl__Videos_Pane_1}, wxID_ANY, '', [-1,-1], [-1,-1],0,  P10);

It plays well with MediaPlayer DivX.  Really I'd like to use RealPlayer,
because it works multiplatform.

So any ideas why RealPlayer doesn't work at all?

Have a good day.



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