Hi All,

I am having difficulty with a new image refreshing.  I have a video running 
under wxMediaCtrl, at the same time ffmpeg is taking a snapshot of the
which is displayed in a wxScrolledWindow on the right.  Ffmpeg is running
in a separate thread which has not yet completed taking the snap, so I
temporarily use an empty bitmap with some text saying "don't panic" or it's 
equivalent. However when this temporary bitmap is displayed, it shows two 
partial images.  A previous image plus part of the one I am trying to show.
If I then flick between screen and flick back, the correct image is shown.

This is clearly a repaint problem and maybe to do with wxScrolledWindow, 
because I see some special code for wxScrolledWindow around Drawing and
DCs.  I was hoping there was some simple sort of "force repaint" command
but I can't see it.

Here is the code in question (following)



# Display thumbnail and controls in scrolling window.
# Pass: $self, filename (without path or suffix) as parameters , sequence as
global variable in $gl_edit_mode, 

 my $self = shift;                        # Pass $self
 my $loc_file_name = shift;           # Pass filename
 my $loc_title = shift;                  # Pass file name

# Create thumbnail space
 $self->{"Ctl_Video_Tab_Video_".$gl_edit_mode."_Bmp"} =
#           Wx::Bitmap->new("media\\". $loc_file_name .".jpg",
wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, );
           Wx::Bitmap->new("media\\empty_item.jpg", wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, );
ew(152, 142));

# Create sizers
_".$gl_edit_mode."_Bmp"}, 0, 0, 0);

 $self->{"Ctl_Post_Exam_Videos_Sizer_6_".$gl_edit_mode} =
s_Sizer_6_".$gl_edit_mode}, 1, wxEXPAND, 0);

# Add title
 $self->{"Ctl_Video_Tab_Title_".$gl_edit_mode."_Txt"} =
Wx::TextCtrl->new($self->{Ctl_Post_Exam_Videos_Pane_2}, wxID_ANY,
$loc_title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, );
eo_Tab_Title_".$gl_edit_mode."_Txt"}, 0, , 0);

# Add play button
 $self->{"Ctl_Video_Tab_Play_".$gl_edit_mode."_Btn"} =
          Wx::Bitmap->new("Images\\play.png", wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY));
eo_Tab_Play_".$gl_edit_mode."_Btn"}, 0, , 0);

# Add event to activate play button
 Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self,
$self->{"Ctl_Video_Tab_Play_".$gl_edit_mode."_Btn"}, \&on_media_select );

# Add delete button
 $self->{"Ctl_Video_Tab_Delete_".$gl_edit_mode."_Btn"} =
new(24, 24));
eo_Tab_Delete_".$gl_edit_mode."_Btn"}, 0, , 0);

# Add event to activate delete button
 Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self,
$self->{"Ctl_Video_Tab_Delete_".$gl_edit_mode."_Btn"}, \&on_media_delete );






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<<Blank Bkgrd.gif>>

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