ps -a -f

bike:~ $  ps -a -f -x | grep 9780
  501  9780     1   0  6:22PM ??         0:00.28 /opt/X11/bin/xterm
  501  9968  9780   0  6:22PM ttys000    0:00.01 bash
  501 10057 10029   0  6:31PM ttys000    0:00.00 grep 9780

One would have to look at the xterm code which creates the process whose
input and output are to itself (so it can display in the window).

In this case, the xterm was created from the X11 GUI  "Applications"
menu optiosn wghere I have one to run xterm. But note that the parent
process of the created xterm is 1 and not that of the X11 app.

Another example:

    0 86493 86492   0   0:00.01 ttys000    0:00.02 login -pf root
    0 86494 86493   0   0:00.01 ttys000    0:00.01 -sh
    0 86503 86494   0   0:05.07 ttys000    0:45.66 xterm -e login
    0 86504 86503   0   0:01.08 ttys001    0:04.05 login
  501 86526 86504   0   0:00.00 ttys001    0:00.01 -bash
    0 86562 86526   0   0:00.00 ttys001    0:00.00 ps -a -f -x

In this example I am GUI logged in as root. Start a window.
Which causes the "login -pf root" command and the "sh" commands.
I then issued a export DISPLAY="" (not shown since not a
process), and xterm-e login.

Notice the login process is created as a root process. It spanws a
supbrocess to run bash under my normal usename of 501.

I am not sure about flag inheritance when the "login" happens to another
process. But in the second example, the bash running under 501 is not a
child of xterm, it is a child of login. while xterm is in the tree, it
is under a different username and the bash process does not inherit any
of root's powers.

I know this doesn't answer things, but a better understanding of process
inheritance of whatecer flag Apple uses to allow/disallow access to your
onw files would point to what binary needs to be granted access.
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