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Old Revision        : https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/start?rev=1666601351
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Date of New Revision: 2022/11/01 13:01
Edit Summary        : old revision restored (2022/10/08 21:53)
User                : stefanbaur

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@@ -5,20 +5,11 @@
  ===== Donations welcome =====
  X2Go is a project under the umbrella of the [[https://www.orca-ev.de|Open 
Remote Computing Association - orca e.V.]] - a 
association]] under 
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%BCrgerliches_Gesetzbuch|Germanys Civil 
Code]] and also registered as a charitable organization, similar to a 
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/501(c)(3)_organization|501(c)(3) organization]] 
in the US.
  As such, it is not only possible to donate money to X2Go via orca e.V., but 
the donations are also tax deductible for German tax subjects.
- New: X2Go Sponsorship Drive!
- The Commercial and Savings Bank Ulm, where orca's bank account resides, is 
planning a sponsorship drive for all charitable organizations registered with 
them via betterplace.org, starting Monday, 2022-10-24, 09:00 CEST and ending 
Friday, 2022-10-28, 23:59 CEST - so that's this week.
- They have pooled 17 500 EUR and will distribute them across all charitable 
orgs registered with them that receive donations. So it's not a 1:1 matching of 
each donation, but the org with the biggest amount of donations gets the 
biggest piece of the cake, so to speak.
- We'd prefer if you use the German-language donation forms because with these, 
we know for sure that the donation counts towards the bank's pledge.
- However, if you're afraid of hitting the wrong button in a German-language 
form, feel free to use the link that points to the English version. 
- If you'd like to make a donation towards X2Go, please use one of the two 
donation forms linked below, kindly hosted by 
[[https://www.betterplace.org|betterplace.org]] and 
+ If you'd like to make a donation towards X2Go, please use one of the two 
donation forms linked below, kindly hosted by 
donation form]]
-   *  [[https://www.wirwunder.de/projects/111056?wirwunder=235|German-language 
donation form]]
+   *  
donation form]]
  <WRAP round download>

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