Hello, all.  We recently recreated an X2Go Server and found we had
serious ssh key issues when we tried to connect from the previously
existing X2Go clients.  We're still working these through so I'll list
them in the order we find them.

The GUI key popping up Accept Key dialogs with Yes and No options but no
text.  It was only when we canceled that we saw the error message about
there being an old, conflicting key.  By the way, we use both hashed
known_host files and non-default ssh ports.  This created a problem when
we went to remove the offending keys in that the syntax ssh-keygen -R
<server name> did not work.  We needed to use ssh-keygen -R [<server
name>]:<port number> (note the brackets).

We then hit a problem where the X2Go Client for some reason started
trying to open an SSH sessions as root.  Since we use active host
intrusion detection (OSSEC), the failed login attempts lock out the user
and the screen stops at the X2Go logo.  Oops! This was our
misunderstanding of the auth.log.  The problem was that our users are
only defined in LDAP.  We configured pam to look at pam_unix first.
This tripped our HIDS and blocked our users.  From our internal

Now we need to fix some pam files.  It is critical that the ldap modules
are processed first even though that is non-standard.  In the X2Go
environment, many ssh sessions are fired off in quick succession.  Since
the pam_unix authentications fail for the LDAP users (as they are not
defined locally), all the failed authentications trip the OSSEC
auto-response and block the user from access to VD01.  Thus, LDAP
credentials MUST be processed first.

This just leaves the empty dialog box.  Thanks - John

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