Hi Mike,

yes, I'm agree, that in that case the behavior of x2gokdrive should be
similiar with x2goagent. I'll look at it bit later, bit busy right now.


Am 27.08.21 um 17:03 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
> Hi Alex,
> I looked into cmdline option parsing of x2gokdrive today. Reason was
> that I have a server where I set "-clipboard client" via a cmdline
> option. The x2gokdrive executable failed on that, because -clipboard is
> not a known option.
> What I found is that, other than in nxagent, in x2gokdrive the
> remote_init function is called via OsVendorInit, just when the session
> is about to start.
> In nxagent, the nxagentOption Rec (remoteVars in x2gokdrive is the
> equivalent) gets initialized earlier in ddxProcessArgs, this is a bit
> earlier.
> In X2Go, we have /etc/x2go/x2goagent.options. The file allows one to
> inject extra options into nxagent via server-side cmdline options. With
> Uli I recently discussed that the cmdline options should actually
> supercede the nx/nx options (so that X2Go-wise, site-admins can enforce
> certain agent features that cannot be overridden by X2Go Client client
> parameters). For nxagent, we are actually discussing a change in Args.c
> to make this possible.
> So, for x2gokdrive, I wonder if we could establish such a feature, as
> well: let cmdline options (set in /etc/x2go/x2goagent.options) override
> nx/nx options coming from X2Go Client and for this we would need to
> support setting remoteVars via cmdline options in ddxProcessArgs.
> For this, we would have to move the remoteVars init bit over into
> ddxProcessArgs (x2gokdriveinit.c, instead of x2gokdriveremote.c).
> I tried this locally, but failed, because whenever I referenced
> remoteVars from x2gokdriveinit.c the x2gokdrive ran into a segmentation
> fault.
> As you are much more familiar with the x2gokdrive code, is this
> something you could take a look at?
> For now, I have added a commit that adds more stub and compat cmdline
> options to x2gokdrive, also -clipboard.
> Thanks+Greets,
> Mike

Oleksandr Shneyder        | Email: o.shney...@phoca-gmbh.de
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