package: x2gobroker-ssh
priority: bug

Using the ssh broker is great because it adds the ability for the x2goclient to 
interact with the auth mechanism such as PAM so that you get notified that you 
need to renew a password for example.
This is great but it doesn't always work well.

For example, the user don't get the reason why the access is denied.

Here are different tests I made based on the following setup : x2gobroker in 
ssh mode with local PAM auth based on Samba Winbind/Kerberos.

I tried both situations to compare :
* with the x2goclient in broker-ssh mode
* with a term rying to connect through SSH

1) Account set for password change with temporary password in Active Directory, 
user type wrong password (neither old or new one)
* with x2goclient: get message "Access denied. Authentication that can 
continue: publickey,password,keyboard-interactive"
* with term : "Your account has been locked. Please contact your System 
administrator. Password: "

2) Account set for password change with temporary password in Active Directory, 
user type good password

* with x2goclient: get a new password form in order to type (and confirm) the 
new password. Reseting password works and you get logged in to the broker with 
the sessions list displayed.
However, if you click on the "cancel" button, x2goclient freeze and must be 
killed, you're not sent back to the login form.
On the other hand, if you change your password and then be logged in, clicking 
on the session slot fails because this is the old password that is relayed to 
the session slot and not the new one. When it fails, you get a new login form 
to enter your password again, if you type the new password there, it works.

* with term: 
    "Password: ******"
    "Password expired.  You must change it now."
    "Enter new password: ******"
    "Enter it again: ******"
If you cancel (ctrl+c), nothing happen and you get back to the prompt.
If you enter the good old password, you're prompted to change it then you're 
logged in.
If you enter the wrong password, your prompted to retry 2 times then you get 
this message "Your account has been locked. Please contact your System 
administrator" (this is our security policy, this is normal behaviour, 2 fauils 
then blocked for 10mn.

3) Account disabled in Active Directory
* with x2goclient: get message "Access denied. Authentication that can 
continue: publickey,password,keyboard-interactive"
* with term : "Your account has been locked. Please contact your System 
administrator. Password: "

Would be great to fix the issues in 2) and would be great to retrieve the error 
message directly from PAM so that we get the reason.

Walid Moghrabi

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