A user of ours has an issue:

I get the error below when trying to run some custom programs over
x2go.  Is there a known workaround?  I do not have this problem with
Remmina remote desktop with VNC.

mjf7@sl6 plotf
$ anevent small
  Today is day          310
  File $LOG/event_wat/2016/ev310_13_51_52.out
  Orbit number:      1133355
X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)
  Major opcode of failed request:  45 (X_OpenFont)
  Serial number of failed request:  13
  Current serial number in output stream:  16

The client computer is running some flavor of Ubuntu, the server computer is running Scientific Linux 6.8.

Any ideas?
James Pulver
CLASSE Computer Group
Cornell University
x2go-user mailing list

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