So I'm not sure why so many of my desktops in Fedora have stopped working
with x2go but I heavily suspect it is them transitioning all desktops to
wayland. I know gnome still has an option to select xorg from the console
but x2go does not provide any clarification on this kind of selection.
Maybe if I understood how the server side selects the script to run to
start the desktop depending on the selection from the client side I could
help the package maintainers make things easier for x2go users. All I know
for certain is: I was using XFCE desktop in Fedora 33 when I upgraded to
Fedora 34 XFCE became unusable over x2go. I started trying other desktops
and noticed they do not act right. Gnome over x2g on fedora 34 doesn't even
start. KDE seems to have some issues. Mate seems to work.
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