Hello Skyler,

Other than extra features on other sound modem software packages, are
there actual disadvantages on decoding packets where soundmodem does
not work as well? I would say those two packets sound fairly decent
but they don't sound like

Before I begin, one critical clarification. When you say "soundmodem", do you my Tom Sailer's soundmodem or UZ7HO's soundmodem? If we are talking about Tom's version, yes, almost all of the sound card TNCs in my URL offer better decodes. Some also offer alternative modes from just say AFSK 1200 and G3RUH 9600.

PocketPacket on iPhone with a baofeng radio was sent through no
antenna to simulate a weaker signal. The only reason I started testing
this stuff was because I noticed I was not decoding a large amount of
packets I was hearing, and they didn't seem to have a huge amount of
noise on them.

Soundmodem wasn't decoding things or PocketPacket? I know nothing about this iPhone app but I do know that Tom Sailer's soundmodem only can decode about 40% of the packets that Direwolf can. Read Direwolf's appendix in the User Guide for full details. There, it compares Direwolf, UZ7HO Soundmodem, Tom Sailer's Soundmodem, Kantronics, TNC-X, etc. Very interesting read!

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