Hello Oracle chaps,
plus George,
plus Juergen,
plus everyone on xen-devel, :-)

As promised, I'll have a deep look at the tests and benchmarks results
that Elena dumped on us all ASAP.  However, this is only fair if I also
spam you with an huge load of numbers onto which you can scratch (or
bang?!?) your heads, isn't it? :-D

So, here we are. I'm starting a new thread because this is somewhat
independent from the topology related side of things, which Elena is
talking about (and which myself and Juergen were also investigating and
working on already).

In fact, Linux's scheduling domain can be configured in a variety of
ways, by means of a set of flags (and normally done during Linux's
boot). In a way, everything there is really related to cpu topology
(scheduling domains _are_ the Linux's scheduler interface to cpu
topology!). But strictly speaking, there are 'pure topology' related
flags, and more abstract 'behavioral' flags.

This is the list of these flags, BTW:
 * sched-domains (multiprocessor balancing) declarations:
#define SD_LOAD_BALANCE         0x0001  /* Do load balancing on this domain. */
#define SD_BALANCE_NEWIDLE      0x0002  /* Balance when about to become idle */
#define SD_BALANCE_EXEC         0x0004  /* Balance on exec */
#define SD_BALANCE_FORK         0x0008  /* Balance on fork, clone */
#define SD_BALANCE_WAKE         0x0010  /* Balance on wakeup */
#define SD_WAKE_AFFINE          0x0020  /* Wake task to waking CPU */
#define SD_SHARE_CPUCAPACITY    0x0080  /* Domain members share cpu power */
#define SD_SHARE_POWERDOMAIN    0x0100  /* Domain members share power domain */
#define SD_SHARE_PKG_RESOURCES  0x0200  /* Domain members share cpu pkg 
resources */
#define SD_SERIALIZE            0x0400  /* Only a single load balancing 
instance */
#define SD_ASYM_PACKING         0x0800  /* Place busy groups earlier in the 
domain */
#define SD_PREFER_SIBLING       0x1000  /* Prefer to place tasks in a sibling 
domain */
#define SD_OVERLAP              0x2000  /* sched_domains of this level overlap 
#define SD_NUMA                 0x4000  /* cross-node balancing */

To check how scheduling domains are configured (and to change it), look
here: /proc/sys/kernel/sched_domain/cpu*/domain*/flags

I noticed some oddities in the way Linux's and Xen's schedulers
interacted in some cases, and I noticed that changing the 'behavioral'
flags had an impact. I did run a preliminary set of experiments with
Unixbench, with the following results:

(Hint, look at the "Execl Throughput" and "Process Creation" rows, in
the 1x case.)

# ./Run -c 1 (1 parallel copy of each benchmark inside a 4 vcpus HVM guest)
    Flags                                  4143      4135      4131      4151   
   4147      4115      4099      4128
1 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables  2299.0    2298.4    2302.0    2311.4  
  2312.1    2312.1    2299.2    2301.6
1 x Double-Precision Whetstone             619.5     619.5     619.8     619.0  
   619.0     619.1     619.2     619.6
1 x Execl Throughput                       458.0     449.6    1017.0     449.4  
  1012.1    1017.4    1018.2    1022.6
1 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 2188.8    2317.4    2403.1    2412.5  
  2420.8    2423.8    2422.7    2430.5
1 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks   1459.7    1576.1    1648.3    1647.7  
  1649.4    1663.5    1652.4    1649.0
1 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 3467.8    3581.9    3621.1    3624.7  
  3635.9    3619.8    3606.1    3608.8
1 x Pipe Throughput                       1518.3    1505.3    1519.0    1514.7  
  1518.9    1516.5    1517.2    1518.0
1 x Pipe-based Context Switching           803.7     798.7     801.8     801.4  
   797.9     132.9      92.0     809.7
1 x Process Creation                       404.3     931.8     942.5     950.4  
   932.7     967.4     960.1     962.7
1 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)          1304.4    1256.4    1755.1    1259.5  
  1756.5    1741.3    1726.0    1819.6
1 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)          4564.2    4704.1    4714.0    4691.8  
  4710.2    4570.8    4571.0    1694.6*
1 x System Call Overhead                  2251.1    2249.6    2250.1    2248.9  
  2250.3    2249.9    2251.0    2249.0
    System Benchmarks Index Score ======= 1380.2 == 1495.1 == 1662.2 == 1511.4 
== 1661.5 == 1431.8 == 1384.9 == 1536.5
                              +/-          0.00%    +8.32%   +20.43%    +9.51%  
 +20.38%    +3.74%    +0.34%   +11.32%

# ./Run -c 4 (4 parallel copies of each benchmark inside a 4 vcpus HVM guest)
    Flags                                  4143      4135      4131      4151   
   4147      4115      4099      4128
4 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables  8619.4    8551.3    8661.7    8694.1  
  8731.8    8578.0    8591.7    2293.4
4 x Double-Precision Whetstone            2351.8    2348.9    2352.2    2352.8  
  2351.7    2351.3    2352.4    2470.6
4 x Execl Throughput                      3264.3    3346.9    3743.0    3365.7  
  3726.6    3745.7    3759.2    1017.0
4 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 2741.7    2789.7    2871.5    2842.5  
  2793.5    2935.9    2846.5    2376.7
4 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks   1736.6    1754.9    1841.4    1815.1  
  1763.5    1829.7    1836.6    1579.4
4 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 4457.1    4461.9    4284.4    4566.8  
  4476.7    4619.0    4815.9    3648.2
4 x Pipe Throughput                       5724.0    5719.3    5732.4    5747.6  
  5747.2    5720.8    5740.1    1509.6
4 x Pipe-based Context Switching          2847.8    2841.9    2831.7    2826.2  
  2844.5    2433.2    2832.3     745.2
4 x Process Creation                      1863.1    3383.8    3358.6    3365.9  
  3339.1    3206.9    3338.2     924.7
4 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)          5126.8    4992.7    6739.1    4973.7  
  6773.8    6770.9    6806.4    1823.5
4 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)          5969.8    6021.7    6258.9    6018.9  
  6302.5    6284.0    6323.6    1683.6
4 x System Call Overhead                  6647.9    6661.2    6672.6    6669.9  
  6665.0    6641.8    6649.9    2244.1
    System Benchmarks Index Score ======= 3786.1 == 3987.8 == 4155.4 == 4018.1 
== 4151.5 == 4116.1 == 4195.1 == 1695.8
                              +/-          0.00%    +5.33%    +9.75%    +6.13%  
  +9.65%    +8.72%   +10.80%   -55.21%

4131 and 4147 are the ones that looked more promising.

Linux's default, for an HVM guest is 4143:

Using 4131 means:

4147 means:

For now, I focused on 4131 (as the results of other ah-hoc benchmarks
were hinting at that), but I want to investigate 4147 too (see below).

Basically, with 4143 as the scheduling domain's (there's only one
domain in one of our HVM guests right now) flags, I'm telling the Linux
scheduler that its load balancing logic should *not* trigger as a
result of fork() or exec(), nor when a task wakes-up (seems a bit
aggressive, but still...).

So, I arranged for comparing the performance of the default set of
flags with 4131, in an extensive way.

Here's what I did (it's a bit of a long explanation, but it's for
making sure you know what each benchmarking configuration did).

I selected the following benchmarks:
 - makexen: how long it takes to compile Xen
            (results: lower == better)
 - iperf: iperf from guest(s) toward the host
          (results: higher == etter)
 - sysbench-cpu: pure number crunching
                 (results: lower == better)
 - sysbench-oltp: concurrent database transactions
                  (results: higher == better)
 - unixbench: runs a set of tests and compute a global perf index
              (results: higher == better [1])

The actual workload was always run in guests. A varying number of HVM
guests was used. Number of vcpus and amount of memory of the guests was
also varying.

All the benchmarks were "homogeneous", i.e., all the guests used in a
particular instance were equal (in terms of number of vcpus and amount
of RAM), and all run the same workload. They also were "synchronous",
i.e., all the guests started running the workload at the same time.

Each benchmark was repeated 5 times. This first set of results shows
the average of all the output samples of all the iterations from all
the guests involved in each benchmark.[2]

The benchmarks were run on a 24 pCPUs (arranged in 2 NUMA nodes) host,
with 32GB of RAM. Xen version was always the same (what staging was a
few weeks ago). Linux dom0 kernel was 4.3.0. Guests' kernels were
4.2.0. Results are collected for just the default case, and for the
case where I reconfigured the guests' scheduling domain's flag to 4131
(yes, only the flags of the guests for now, I can rerun changing
dom0's flags as well).

A particular benchmark is characterized as follows:
 * host load: basically, how many guest vcpus were being used. It can
              be sequential, small, medium, large, full, overload or
 * guests size: how big (in terms of vcpus and memory) the guests were.
                It can be sequential, small, medium or large
 * guest load: how busy the guests were kept. I can be sequential,
               moderate, full or overbooked.

In some more details:
 - host load:
    * sequential load means there is only 1 VM
    * small load means that total number of guest vcpus was ~1/3 of
      the host pcpus (i.e., 24/3 = 8 vcpus)
    * medium load means total number of guest vcpus was ~1/2 of host 
      pcpus (i.e., 12, but it was 16 some of the times)
    * large load means total number of guest vcpus was ~2/3 of host 
      pcpus (i.e. 16, but it was actually 20)
    * full load means total number of guest vcpus was == to host pcpus
      (i.e., 24)
    * overload means total number of guest vcpus was ~2/3 of host pcpus
      (i.e., 36, but it was 32 some of the times)
    * overwhelmed means total number of guest vcpus was 2x host pcpus
      (i.e., 48)

 - guest size:
    * sequential guests had 1 vcpu and 2048MB of RAM
    * small guests had 4 vcpus and 4096MB of RAM
    * medium guests had 8 vcpus and 5120MB of RAM
    * large guests had 12 vcpus and 8192MB of RAM

 - guest load:
    * sequential means the benchmark was sequentially run (e.g.,
      make -j1, unixbench -c1, sysbench --num-threads=1, etc.)
    * moderate means the benchmark was keeping half of the guest's
      vcpus budy (e.g., make -j4 on in 8 vcpus guest)
    * full means the benchmark was keeping all the guest's vcpus busy 
      (e.g., make -j8 in an 8 vcpus guest)
    * overbooked means the benchmark was running with 2x degree of
      parallelism wrt to guests vcpus (e.g., make -j16 in an 8 vcpus 

Combining these three 'parameters', several benchmark configurations
were generated. Not all the possible combinations are meaningful, but I
ended up with quite a few cases.

Let me just put down a couple of examples, to make sure what happened
during a particular benchmark can be fully understood. So, for
instance, the sysboltp-smallhload-smallvm-fullwkload benchmark was:
 + running sysbench --oltp
 + running it inside 2 HVM guests at the same time (small host load)
 + the guests had 4 vcpus (small vms)
 + running it with --num-threads=4 (full workload)

Another one, makexen-overldhload-medvm-modrtwkload was:
 + running a Xen build
 + running it in 4 HVM guests at the same time (32 vcpus total,
   overloaded host)
 + the guest had 8 vcpus (medium vms) + running it with -j4 (moderate

And so on and so forth. The first column in the attached results files,
identify the specific benchmark configuration, according to this
characterization. The other various columns shows, for each workload,
the performance with default flags and with 4131, and the percent
increase we got by using 4131. Of course, when lower is better (like
in makexen and the sysbench-es) an actual increase is a bad thing.
In fact, I highlighted with an '*' instances where changing flags to
4131 caused a regressions.

I'm too tired right now to do an appropriate analysis, but just very
 - for Xen build-alike workloads, using 4131 is just awesome; :-)
 - for Unixbench, likewise (at least the runs that I have);
 - for iperf, there are issues;
 - for the two sysbench-es, there are a few issues; cpu is worse
   than OLTP, which is somewhat good, as OLTP is more
   representative of real workloads, while cpu is purely syntetic.

The iperf (and perhaps also the OLTP) results is what makes me want to
re-try everything with 4147. In fact, I expect (although, nothing more
than a speculation) that allowing the load balancer to act upon a
Linux's task's wakeup, has the potential of making things better for
that kind of workload. We shall see whether that affect other ones that

So, now I need to go to bed (esp. considering that I'm up since
4:30 AM, for catching a flight). I'll continue looking at and
working on this... in the meanwhile, feel free to voice your
opinions. :-D

Thanks and Regards,

[1] There must have been an issue with Unixbench runs, and I don't have
the numbers from all the configurations I wanted to test, so I'm
attaching what I have, and re-running.

[2] We can aggregate data like this, because of the homogeneous and
synchronous nature of the benchmarks themselves. Another interesting
analysis that could be attempted is about fairness. I.e., we can check
by how much the performance of each of the guests involved in each
instance varies between each others (ideally, very few). I haven't done
this kind of analysis yet.
<<This happens because I choose it to happen!>> (Raistlin Majere)
Dario Faggioli, Ph.D, http://about.me/dario.faggioli
Senior Software Engineer, Citrix Systems R&D Ltd., Cambridge (UK)

IPERFHOST                            SYSBENCH-CPU                        
BNECHMARK                          BASELINE    4131       %-INCR       BASELINE 
   4131       %-INCR        BASELINE    4131      %-INCR        BASELINE     
4131           %-INCR      
fullhload-largevm-fullwkload:       20.737001  19.867060  -4.195117%    
22.400000  20.940000  -6.517857% *   1.212670   1.216050  +0.278724% *   
912.071000   939.683000    +3.027396%  
fullhload-largevm-modrtwkload:      25.875727  24.616319  -4.867140%    
21.270000  20.670000  -2.820874% *   1.741750   1.660660  -4.655662%    
1041.851000  1065.509000    +2.270766%  
fullhload-largevm-overbkwkload:     21.037268  20.232846  -3.823799%    
20.790000  20.360000  -2.068302% *   1.213050   1.212550  -0.041218%     
797.165000   797.136000    -0.003638% *
fullhload-largevm-seqwkload:       105.108283 101.308165  -3.615431%    
20.440000  21.120000  +3.326810%     9.408030   9.407980  -0.000531%     
622.248000   622.045000    -0.032624% *
fullhload-medvm-fullwkload:         28.596028  27.812717  -2.739229%    
13.506667  13.180000  -2.418559% *   1.765140   1.765327  +0.010575% *   
850.244667   900.003333    +5.852276%  
fullhload-medvm-modrtwkload:        37.897117  35.376937  -6.650055%    
13.346667  13.260000  -0.649351% *   2.903067   2.796020  -3.687365%    
1035.314000  1057.451333    +2.138224%  
fullhload-medvm-overbkwkload:       29.130728  28.405084  -2.490994%    
13.620000  13.393333  -1.664219% *   1.736533   1.746547  +0.576628% *   
762.240000   761.896000    -0.045130% *
fullhload-medvm-seqwkload:         106.427681 102.817818  -3.391846%    
13.866667  12.873333  -7.163462% *   9.414440   9.412847  -0.016924%     
619.598000   623.454667    +0.622447%  
fullhload-smallvm-fullwkload:       52.387622  51.465100  -1.760954%     
6.439333   6.405000  -0.533181% *   3.462010   3.512523  +1.459075% *   
765.034333   824.488667    +7.771459%  
fullhload-smallvm-modrtwkload:      66.756567  64.220347  -3.799206%     
6.628333   6.395333  -3.515212% *   4.991587   4.919033  -1.453512%     
942.162333   941.158000    -0.106599% *
fullhload-smallvm-overbkwkload:     53.814088  52.951749  -1.602440%     
6.574000   6.370667  -3.092993% *   3.532890   3.532357  -0.015096%     
692.337667   700.611667    +1.195082%  
fullhload-smallvm-seqwkload:       113.748351 110.804230  -2.588276%     
6.552667   6.371000  -2.772408% *   9.827337   9.827187  -0.001526%     
594.734667   594.396667    -0.056832% *
largehload-smallvm-fullwkload:      43.667924  43.075842  -1.355876%     
8.156800   7.710000  -5.477638% *   3.293180   3.301780  +0.261146% *   
874.668000   910.944800    +4.147494%  
largehload-smallvm-modrtwkload:     62.873234  60.744095  -3.386400%     
7.762800   7.739600  -0.298861% *   4.942712   5.020776  +1.579376% *   
953.987200   957.302800    +0.347552%  
largehload-smallvm-overbkwkload:    43.199855  43.196234  -0.008383%     
7.918000   7.773200  -1.828745% *   3.271968   3.267152  -0.147190%     
776.054000   783.394000    +0.945810%  
largehload-smallvm-seqwkload:      109.082792 106.128440  -2.708358%     
7.718800   7.828400  +1.419910%     9.666264   9.969128  +3.133206% *   
603.200400   606.349200    +0.522016%  
medhload-medvm-fullwkload:          22.221618  21.553793  -3.005296%    
20.100000  20.850000  +3.731343%     1.469640   1.470580  +0.063961% *   
995.432000  1043.618000    +4.840712%  
medhload-medvm-modrtwkload:         32.078953  31.101091  -3.048299%    
20.550000  20.540000  -0.048662% *   2.617640   2.464650  -5.844578%    
1149.444000  1096.365000    -4.617798% *
medhload-medvm-overbkwkload:        22.080351  21.481607  -2.711662%    
20.120000  20.080000  -0.198807% *   1.467290   1.467380  +0.006134% *   
915.001000   905.838000    -1.001420% *
medhload-medvm-seqwkload:          104.053386 101.087348  -2.850496%    
19.830000  20.020000  +0.958144%     9.407920   9.407420  -0.005315%     
625.652000   623.031000    -0.418923% *
medhload-seqvm-overbkwkload:       120.511271 119.230560  -1.062732%     
3.092833   3.046833  -1.487309% *   9.881935   9.837693  -0.447702%     
561.956167   561.795833    -0.028531% *
medhload-seqvm-seqwkload:          116.551999 117.376038  +0.707015% *   
3.095333   3.058167  -1.200732% *   9.833542   9.847105  +0.137929% *   
567.738167   565.861000    -0.330640% *
medhload-smallvm-fullwkload:        35.061704  34.770855  -0.829535%    
13.333333  13.220000  -0.850000% *   2.800940   2.766960  -1.213164%    
1082.764000  1060.697333    -2.037994% *
medhload-smallvm-modrtwkload:       56.635514  55.351022  -2.267997%    
13.253333  13.673333  +3.169014%     4.842813   4.844260  +0.029872% *   
987.764667   989.880000    +0.214154%  
medhload-smallvm-overbkwkload:      34.277466  34.070879  -0.602690%    
13.293333  13.420000  +0.952859%     2.746307   2.760173  +0.504921% *   
963.434667   961.465333    -0.204408% *
medhload-smallvm-seqwkload:        104.504903 102.548326  -1.872235%    
13.446667  13.053333  -2.925136% *   9.414700   9.409320  -0.057145%     
619.398000   623.431333    +0.651170%  
overldhload-largevm-fullwkload:     31.324010  29.604206  -5.490371%    
13.200000  13.413333  +1.616162%     1.559440   1.649920  +5.802083% *   
778.237333   758.058000    -2.592954% *
overldhload-largevm-modrtwkload:    31.722678  30.173347  -4.883985%    
13.233333  13.326667  +0.705290%     2.189233   2.151127  -1.740640%     
874.411333   967.226000   +10.614532%  
overldhload-largevm-overbkwkload:   31.418548  30.271661  -3.650350%    
13.313333  13.506667  +1.452178%     1.577487   1.678560  +6.407239% *   
695.858667   703.436000    +1.088918%  
overldhload-largevm-seqwkload:     107.302004 103.206817  -3.816506%    
13.133333  13.460000  +2.487310%     9.413020   9.413247  +0.002408% *   
617.931333   615.452667    -0.401123% *
overldhload-medvm-fullwkload:       38.045174  37.043454  -2.632975%     
9.883000   9.792000  -0.920773% *   2.237525   2.270195  +1.460095% *   
744.922000   765.907500    +2.817141%  
overldhload-medvm-modrtwkload:      41.241772  39.408808  -4.444435%     
9.847000   9.928500  +0.827663%     2.912050   2.893550  -0.635291%     
975.093000  1049.098500    +7.589584%  
overldhload-medvm-overbkwkload:     38.929887  37.685454  -3.196599%     
9.798500   9.785000  -0.137776% *   2.194120   2.255085  +2.778563% *   
676.294000   673.603000    -0.397904% *
overldhload-medvm-seqwkload:       108.945042 104.374926  -4.194881%     
9.872000   9.757500  -1.159846% *   9.423840   9.418165  -0.060220%     
618.272500   620.430500    +0.349037%  
overldhload-smallvm-fullwkload:     71.563046  70.052749  -2.110443%     
4.732750   4.676750  -1.183244% *   4.456670   4.574157  +2.636217% *   
596.285250   639.959500    +7.324389%  
overldhload-smallvm-modrtwkload:    78.021121  75.457790  -3.285432%     
4.668250   4.715250  +1.006801%     5.769267   5.790990  +0.376521% *   
765.554500   779.689500    +1.846374%  
overldhload-smallvm-overbkwkload:   72.147802  71.122344  -1.421329%     
4.690000   4.690750  +0.015991%     4.627425   4.574013  -1.154260%     
542.668500   547.895250    +0.963157%  
overldhload-smallvm-seqwkload:     119.092470 114.809739  -3.596140%     
4.703750   4.715250  +0.244486%     9.826590   9.831255  +0.047473% *   
578.225250   581.258250    +0.524536%  
overwlmhload-largevm-fullwkload:    41.466578  38.621317  -6.861577%     
9.820000   9.884500  +0.656823%     2.139350   2.137065  -0.106808%     
668.033500   693.308500    +3.783493%  
overwlmhload-largevm-modrtwkload:   38.432678  36.594824  -4.782009%     
9.815000   9.957000  +1.446765%     2.307815   2.328780  +0.908435% *   
778.919000   837.113000    +7.471123%  
overwlmhload-largevm-overbkwkload:  42.158261  40.791225  -3.242631%     
9.937000   9.800000  -1.378686% *   1.999400   2.170215  +8.543313% *   
630.577500  -100.000000    +0.000000% 
overwlmhload-largevm-seqwkload:    110.668856 105.772351  -4.424465%     
9.840500   9.850000  +0.096540%     9.544950   9.528770  -0.169514%     
610.552000   603.345500    -1.180325% *
overwlmhload-medvm-fullwkload:      57.843676  56.701519  -1.974558%     
6.425333   6.393333  -0.498029% *   3.243273   3.339213  +2.958123% *   
587.445000   656.301000   +11.721268%  
overwlmhload-medvm-modrtwkload:     55.645663  53.631712  -3.619242%     
6.379000   6.407667  +0.449391%     3.384013   3.533333  +4.412512% *   
742.682000   797.172000    +7.336922%  
overwlmhload-medvm-overbkwkload:    58.375959  57.208164  -2.000472%     
6.421333   6.390667  -0.477575% *   3.053370   3.294753  +7.905473% *   
555.294000   559.051000    +0.676579%  
overwlmhload-medvm-seqwkload:      120.074511 110.720759  -7.789957%     
6.379000   6.318000  -0.956263% *  10.073857   9.825313  -2.467211%     
588.953000   593.809667    +0.824627%  
seqhload-largevm-fullwkload:        20.178480  19.465247  -3.534621%    
36.800000  32.320000 -12.173913% *   1.211500   1.213500  +0.165085% *   
928.818000   990.046000    +6.592034%  
seqhload-largevm-modrtwkload:       24.222176  23.400769  -3.391137%    
33.400000  31.980000  -4.251497% *   1.812720   1.700120  -6.211660%    
1054.564000  1085.430000    +2.926897%  
seqhload-largevm-overbkwkload:      20.219314  19.688460  -2.625477%    
33.420000  32.800000  -1.855177% *   1.209420   1.206860  -0.211672%     
863.324000   900.384000    +4.292711%  
seqhload-largevm-seqwkload:        103.694797 101.065404  -2.535704%    
33.260000  35.500000  +6.734817%     9.404880   9.406140  +0.013397% *   
626.846000   619.110000    -1.234115% *
seqhload-medvm-fullwkload:          21.872927  21.531929  -1.558997%    
33.320000  33.700000  +1.140456%     1.470720   1.544880  +5.042428% *  
1044.930000  1052.484000    +0.722919%  
seqhload-medvm-modrtwkload:         31.439851  30.713816  -2.309285%    
35.100000  32.840000  -6.438746% *   2.554980   2.464240  -3.551496%    
1172.320000  1077.568000    -8.082435% *
seqhload-medvm-overbkwkload:        42.898053  21.590199 -49.670911%    
36.140000  35.560000  -1.604870% *   1.469440   1.467060  -0.161966%     
953.176000   940.458000    -1.334276% *
seqhload-medvm-seqwkload:          103.579303 101.011340  -2.479225%    
36.320000  33.880000  -6.718062% *   9.406060   9.404540  -0.016160%     
618.332000   627.450000    +1.474612%  
seqhload-seqvm-overbkwkload:       102.612585 102.547247  -0.063674%    
35.020000  35.280000  +0.742433%     9.405840   9.407380  +0.016373% *   
625.978000   627.306000    +0.212148%  
seqhload-seqvm-seqwkload:          100.911104 101.151855  +0.238578% *  
34.640000  34.720000  +0.230947%     9.406020   9.405340  -0.007229%     
631.038000   623.342000    -1.219578% *
seqhload-smallvm-fullwkload:        31.371477  30.958012  -1.317963%    
35.160000  33.860000  -3.697383% *   2.515140   2.464040  -2.031696%    
1161.380000  1089.280000    -6.208132% *
seqhload-smallvm-modrtwkload:       53.330663  52.767446  -1.056085%    
34.800000  34.440000  -1.034483% *   4.708720   4.710140  +0.030157% *  
1013.726000  1019.318000    +0.551628%  
seqhload-smallvm-overbkwkload:      31.226369  30.899420  -1.047029%    
34.200000  34.120000  -0.233918% *   2.461320   2.462720  +0.056880% *  
1058.950000  1053.220000    -0.541102% *
seqhload-smallvm-seqwkload:        102.464011 100.261457  -2.149587%    
34.040000  34.540000  +1.468860%     9.405880   9.404820  -0.011270%     
627.118000   629.102000    +0.316368%  
smallhload-seqvm-overbkwkload:     115.687086 114.982952  -0.608655%     
4.772500   4.780250  +0.162389%     9.828832   9.833490  +0.047386% *   
585.617750   588.638000    +0.515737%  
smallhload-seqvm-seqwkload:        112.134748 112.416323  +0.251104% *   
4.843000   4.770000  -1.507330% *   9.826988   9.831333  +0.044215% *   
591.845750   590.571500    -0.215301% *
smallhload-smallvm-fullwkload:      31.566760  30.893237  -2.133647%    
20.340000  20.180000  -0.786627% *   2.507620   2.603000  +3.803607% *  
1164.950000  1114.514000    -4.329456% *
smallhload-smallvm-modrtwkload:     53.527179  53.003865  -0.977661%    
21.010000  20.830000  -0.856735% *   4.709180   4.709890  +0.015077% *  
1022.303000  1020.294000    -0.196517% *
smallhload-smallvm-overbkwkload:    31.262871  31.061621  -0.643736%    
20.240000  20.470000  +1.136364%     2.461270   2.462150  +0.035754% *  
1064.173000  1062.845000    -0.124792% *
smallhload-smallvm-seqwkload:      103.005610 100.879419  -2.064151%    
20.090000  21.040000  +4.728721%     9.408340   9.408440  +0.001063% *   
625.742000   622.902000    -0.453861% *
BNECHMARK                           BASELINE     4131          %-INCR    
fullhload-largevm-fullwkload:       6011.490000  6317.580000   +5.091749%  
fullhload-largevm-seqwkload:        1795.880000  1919.030000   +6.857362%  
fullhload-medvm-fullwkload:         4235.386667  4428.100000   +4.550076%  
fullhload-medvm-seqwkload:          1743.946667  1886.553333   +8.177238%  
fullhload-smallvm-fullwkload:       2746.820000  2810.046667   +2.301813%  
fullhload-smallvm-seqwkload:        1596.913333  1726.240000   +8.098540%  
largehload-smallvm-fullwkload:      3221.852000  3336.528000   +3.559319%  
largehload-smallvm-seqwkload:       1645.188000  1771.280000   +7.664291%  
medhload-medvm-fullwkload:          5960.200000  6298.050000   +5.668434%  
medhload-medvm-seqwkload:           1815.440000  1924.890000   +6.028841%  
medhload-seqvm-fullwkload:          1576.891667  1575.535000   -0.086034% *
medhload-seqvm-seqwkload:           1572.166667  1583.676667   +0.732111%  
medhload-smallvm-fullwkload:        4115.053333  4288.606667   +4.217523%  
medhload-smallvm-seqwkload:         1773.926667  1899.214286   +7.062728%  
overldhload-largevm-fullwkload:     3748.480000  3507.678571   -6.423975% *
overldhload-largevm-seqwkload:      1719.613333  1865.913333   +8.507727%  
overldhload-medvm-fullwkload:       3322.565000  3267.475000   -1.658056% *
overldhload-medvm-seqwkload:        1688.425000  1846.520000   +9.363460%  
overldhload-smallvm-fullwkload:     2061.030000  2114.092500   +2.574562%  
overldhload-smallvm-seqwkload:      1473.672500  1638.752632  +11.201955%  
overwlmhload-largevm-fullwkload:    3092.147368  2725.510526  -11.857030% *
overwlmhload-largevm-seqwkload:     1658.515000  1818.240000   +9.630603%  
overwlmhload-medvm-fullwkload:      2567.303704  2431.944828   -5.272414% *
overwlmhload-medvm-seqwkload:       1568.867857  1713.936667   +9.246719%  
seqhload-largevm-fullwkload:        6165.400000  6658.980000   +8.005644%  
seqhload-largevm-seqwkload:         1825.420000  1937.040000   +6.114757%  
seqhload-medvm-fullwkload:          6031.620000  6310.360000   +4.621312%  
seqhload-medvm-seqwkload:           1836.340000  1943.140000   +5.815916%  
seqhload-seqvm-fullwkload:          1882.600000  1880.780000   -0.096675% *
seqhload-seqvm-seqwkload:           1872.500000  1876.740000   +0.226435%  
seqhload-smallvm-fullwkload:        4794.320000  4928.800000   +2.804986%  
seqhload-smallvm-seqwkload:         1830.400000  1922.180000   +5.014205%  
smallhload-seqvm-fullwkload:        1689.540000  1674.155000   -0.910603% *
smallhload-seqvm-seqwkload:         1676.525000  1664.855000   -0.696083% *
smallhload-smallvm-fullwkload:      4804.250000  4908.270000   +2.165166%  
smallhload-smallvm-seqwkload:       1817.490000  1918.320000   +5.547761%  

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