While I was doing some adhoc testing on chardonnay I needed to define some
adhoc recipes and ended up writing the following two patches.

In the end I didn't end up using the first (I just created the job out of
whole cloth rather than copying an existing template and modifying).

For the second I was using an sg-run-job-adhoc containing:
    proc need-hosts/adhoc-xen-boot-x5 {} { return host }
    proc run-job/adhoc-xen-boot-x5 {} {
        repeat-ts 5 xen-boot.repeat \
                   ts-host-reboot     host \; \
                   ts-host-ping-check host 
Which arguably could a useful addition to sg-run-job proper.

Anyway, here they are...

We also discussed making it possible to invert the bisector (i.e. to look
for a patch which fixed an issue), in the end by the time I'd done a bit of
adhoc work to narrow the range down to something the bisector wouldn't balk
at I had a pretty good guess which merge commit it was going to be, so
finding the commit was just a few more adhoc jobs.


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