Xen IA64 Community:


I am working on updating the existing Xen Roadmap Document currently
available in the Xen.org Wiki at
http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenRoadMap. Here is the current text,
which is about 3 years old:

The IA64 ports

The IA64 port is making excellent progress with contributions from HP,
Intel, Fujitsu, Bull and VALinux to name but a few. Base performance is
currently excellent, incurring an typical overhead of around 2% on
native. Multiple Linux domains are supported (including support for
virtual SMP), and clean shutdown has been completed. In addition the
source code has been reorganized to produce a clean abstraction layer at
the source level; with this patch applied, the resulting kernel binary
can be run both under Xen and on bare metal. 

Xen/ia64 is also getting close to feature parity with the x86 ports.
Virtual block device using the standard backend/frontend model has been
integrated, and the same set of control tools and commands are used to
manage the system. 

There is also support for VT-i | the hardware virtualization
e-technology for IPF | which allows the running of completely unmodified
guest operating systems along-side paravirtualized domains. Once again,
the control tool set has been aligned with the VT-x model to maximize
compatibility. In terms of hardware compatibility, it has been
extensively tested to operate on the following configurations: 

* Intel Tiger4 * HP rx2600/rx1600/rx2620 (and likely any HP zx1 based
system) * Bull NovaScale <http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/NovaScale>
4000 and 6000 systems, with 5000 to follow * Fujitsu Primequest series 

In terms of future work, the main areas are: 

# Completing/stabilizing the work to give each guest a virtual physical
address space; # Implementing save/restore and migration; # Providing
support for driver domains; and # Additional stability / performance
testing and improvements. 

I would like to get some next text from this group so I can update the
document appropriately. Please email me directly the items you would
like added to the document about this port including new features and
upcoming plans. 




Stephen Spector

Community Manager, Xen.org



Blog: http://blog.xen.org     


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