Ian Norton-Badrul wrote:
> Hm, it looks like the xmlrpc server itself is working.
> Are you connecting with xenman remotely? or locally?
Well I try connect with xenman remotely (as I want to get a centralised 
management station)

> Ian
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 08:18:24AM +0100, Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
>>    Hello there,
>>    this is what I get:
>>    ~# ./xml-rpc-api2html [1]http://localhost:8005
>>    <html>
>>    <head><title>XML API for [2]http://localhost:8005</title>
>>    </head>
>>    <body>
>>    <h1>XML-RPC API for [3]http://localhost:8005</h1>
>>    See [4]http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html for
>>    instructions
>>    on using XML-RPC with Perl, Python, Java, C, C++, PHP, etc.
>>    <h2>Methods</h2>
>>    <hr>
>>    <h3>system.listMethods</h3>
>>      system.listMethods() => ['add', 'subtract', 'multiple']  Returns a list
>>      of the methods supported by the server.<hr>
>>    <h3>system.methodHelp</h3>
>>      system.methodHelp('add') => "Adds two integers together"  Returns a
>>      string containing documentation for the specified method.<hr>
>>    <h3>system.methodSignature</h3>
>>      system.methodSignature('add') => [double, int, int]  Returns a list
>>      describing the signature of the method. In the above example, the add
>>      method takes two integers as arguments and returns a double result.
>>    This
>>      server does NOT support system.methodSignature.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.configure</h3>
>>      Configure an existing domain.  <br><b>param: </b> vmconfig: vm
>>      configuration<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.cpu_sedf_get</h3>
>>      Get Simple EDF scheduler parameters for a domain.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.cpu_sedf_set</h3>
>>      Set Simple EDF scheduler parameters for a domain.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.create</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.destroy</h3>
>>      Terminate domain immediately.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.destroyDevice</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.device_configure</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.device_create</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.dump</h3>
>>      Dump domain core.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.getDeviceSxprs</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.getRestartCount</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.getVCPUInfo</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.ioport_range_disable</h3>
>>      Disable access to a range of IO ports for a domain  <br><b>param: </b>
>>      first: first IO port <br><b>param: </b> last: last IO port
>>      <br><b>returns: </b>: 0 on success, -1 on error<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.ioport_range_enable</h3>
>>      Enable access to a range of IO ports for a domain  <br><b>param: </b>
>>      first: first IO port <br><b>param: </b> last: last IO port
>>      <br><b>returns: </b>: 0 on success, -1 on error<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.lookup</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.lookup_by_name_nr</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.lookup_by_name_or_id</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.lookup_by_name_or_id_nr</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.lookup_nr</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.maxmem_set</h3>
>>      Set the memory limit for a domain.  <br><b>param: </b> mem: memory limit
>>      (in MiB) <br><b>returns: </b>: 0 on success, -1 on error<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.migrate</h3>
>>      Start domain migration.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.pause</h3>
>>      Pause domain execution.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.pincpu</h3>
>>      Set which cpus vcpu can use  <br><b>param: </b> cpumap:  string repr of
>>      list of usable cpus<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.restore</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.restore_fd</h3>
>>      Restore a domain from the given file descriptor.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.save</h3>
>>      Start saving a domain to file.  <br><b>param: </b> dst:      destination
>>      file<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.sched_credit_get</h3>
>>      Get credit scheduler parameters for a domain.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.sched_credit_set</h3>
>>      Set credit scheduler parameters for a domain.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.send_sysrq</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.setMemoryTarget</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.setName</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.setVCpuCount</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.shadow_control</h3>
>>      Shadow page control.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.shadow_mem_get</h3>
>>      Get shadow pagetable memory allocation.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.shadow_mem_set</h3>
>>      Set shadow pagetable memory allocation.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.shutdown</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.unpause</h3>
>>      Unpause domain execution.<hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domain.waitForDevices</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.domains</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.node.dmesg.clear</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.node.dmesg.info</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.node.info</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    <h3>xend.node.log</h3>
>>      <hr>
>>    Ian Norton-Badrul wrote:
>>  Ah, I forgot it was broken,
>>  here use my modified version: (attached)
>>  Ian
>>  On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 05:58:44PM +0100, Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
>>     Here is what I get
>>     ~# xml-rpc-api2txt [1][5]http://localhost:8005
>>     XML-RPC API for [2][6]http://localhost:8005
>>     See [3][7]http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html for
>>     instructions
>>     on using XML-RPC with Perl, Python, Java, C, C++, PHP, etc.
>>     Can't use string ("signatures not supported") as an ARRAY ref while
>>     "strict refs" in use at /usr/bin/xml-rpc-api2txt line 118.
>>     doesn't seem very good, does it?
>>     Ian Norton-Badrul wrote:
>>   On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 04:03:55PM +0100, Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
>>   Ian Norton-Badrul wrote:
>>   Hi Alex,
>>   I belive the xmlrpc server listens on port 8006
>>   Apparently not as if I comment the line "(xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server yes)"
>>   there is no more 8005 port listening according to netstat, in addition
>>   xenman specify a port in the dialog box when you add a new node which
>>   is 8005 by default
>>   Any other Idea?
>>   Do  you (or anyone else) have it working with debian and xen 3.0.3?
>>   My xen 3.0.3 (27th sept 2006) is also listening on 8005 ( ubuntu dapper 
>> server )
>>   My 3.0.4 machine ( ubuntu dapper desktop ) is listening on 8006.
>>   Can you install xml-rpc-api2txt (apt-get install) and point it at
>>   [4][8]http://localhost:8005
>>   Regards
>>   Ian
>>   Ian
>>   On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 03:01:17PM +0100, Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
>>     Ian Norton-Badrul wrote:
>>   Hi Alex,
>>     Hi and first thanks for this fast answer
>>   What version of xen are you running on your remote system? And are you
>>   sure that machine has the xml rpc server running?
>>     I'm running Xen 3.0.3-1 (debian package)
>>     And I have activated xml rpc as show below:
>>     (xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server yes)
>>     By the way netstat shows its listenning on lo:8005... as you can see
>>     ~#netstat -tan
>>     Connexions Internet actives (serveurs et etablies)
>>     Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Adresse locale          Adresse distante        Etat
>>     tcp        0      0  *               
>>     tcp        0      0  *               
>>     tcp        0      0*               
>>     tcp        0      0  *               
>>     tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    
>>     tcp6       0    128 ::ffff: ::ffff:
>>     Am I right?
>>   Ian
>>   On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 01:59:49PM +0100, Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
>>   Hy all!
>>   I'm interresting in using xenman to manage my Domain0 and and domU upon
>>   several machines.
>>   Unfortunatly, when I try to connect to a remote node I get a Domain0 not
>>   found in the gui and the following error in the console where I launch
>>   xemna (using sudo xenman):
>>   got expat error  no element found: line 1, column 0
>>   The localhost seems to be working but not the remote ones...
>>   I have configured ssh so that It uses login/pass to connect and tcpdump
>>   shows traffic on the loopback interface when I connect:
>>   16:02:06.662754 IP > . ack 53 win 4099
>>   <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>16:02:06.662853 IP
>>    > P 53:90(37) ack 298 win 4096 <nop,nop,timestamp
>>   106887986 106887986>
>>   16:02:06.662860 IP > . ack 90 win 4099
>>   <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>16:02:06.662920 IP
>>    > P 90:114(24) ack 298 win 4096 <nop,nop,timestamp
>>   106887986 106887986>
>>   16:02:06.662926 IP > . ack 114 win 4099
>>   <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>
>>   16:02:06.662984 IP > P 114:136(22) ack
>>   298 win 4096 <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>
>>   16:02:06.662991 IP > . ack 136 win 4099
>>   <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>
>>   16:02:06.663036 IP > P 136:138(2) ack 298
>>   win 4096 <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>
>>   16:02:06.663042 IP > . ack 138 win 4099
>>   <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>
>>   16:02:06.663083 IP > P 138:2339(2201) ack
>>   298 win 4096 <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>
>>   16:02:06.663089 IP > . ack 2339 win 4650
>>   <nop,nop,timestamp 106887986 106887986>
>>   What did I miss?
>>   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>   _______________________________________________
>>   XenMan-Users mailing list
>>   [3][7][11]https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xenman-users
>>   References
>>     Visible links
>>     1. 
>> [8][12]http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
>>     2. [9][13]mailto:XenMan-Users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>     3. [10][14]https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xenman-users
>>  References
>>     Visible links
>>     1. [15]http://localhost:8005/
>>     2. [16]http://localhost:8005/
>>     3. [17]http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html
>>     4. [18]http://localhost:8005/
>>     5. 
>> [19]http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
>>     6. [20]mail[21]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>     7. [22]https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xenman-users
>>     8. 
>> [23]http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
>>     9. [24]mailto:XenMan-Users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>    10. [25]https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xenman-users
>>        ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>>  #
>>  # A handy little script for printing out an XML-RPC API as a
>>  # nicely-formatted text file. (I wrote this in Perl because of all the
>>  # spiffy report-generation features.)
>>  #
>>  # You'll need to get Ken MacLeod's Frontier::RPC2 module from CPAN to use
>>  # this.
>>  #
>>  # Eric Kidd [26]<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  #
>>  # This script is part of xmlrpc-c, and may be used and distributed under
>>  # the same terms as the rest of the package.
>>  use strict;
>>  # One global variable for use with Perl's format routines, and one for
>>  # use inside an 'exec' block.
>>  use vars qw/$helptext $method_list/;
>>  # Try to load our Perl XML-RPC bindings, but fail gracefully.
>>  eval {
>>      require Frontier::Client;
>>  };
>>  if ($@) {
>>      print STDERR <<"EOD";
>>  This script requires Ken MacLeod\'s Frontier::RPC2 module. You can get this
>>  from CPAN or from his website at [27]http://bitsko.slc.ut.us/~ken/xml-rpc/ .
>>  For installation instructions, see the XML-RPC HOWTO at:
>>      [28]http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html
>>  EOD
>>      exit 1;
>>  }
>>  # Parse our command-line arguments.
>>  if (@ARGV != 1 || $ARGV[0] eq "--help") {
>>      print STDERR "Usage: xml-rpc-api2txt serverURL\n";
>>      exit 1;
>>  }
>>  my $server = Frontier::Client->new(url => $ARGV[0]);
>>  # Try (very carefully) to get our a list of methods from the server.
>>  local $method_list;
>>  eval {
>>      $method_list = $server->call('system.listMethods');
>>  };
>>  if ($@) {
>>      print STDERR <<"EOD";
>>  An error occurred while trying to talk to the XML-RPC server:
>>    $@
>>  This may have been caused by several things--the server might not support
>>  introspection, it might not be an XML-RPC server, or your network might be
>>  down. Try the following:
>>    xml-rpc-api2txt [29]http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.php
>>  EOD
>>      exit 1;
>>  }
>>  # Enter the methods into a hashtable.
>>  my @methods = sort @$method_list;
>>  my %method_table;
>>  foreach my $method (@methods) {
>>      $method_table{$method} = {};
>>  }
>>  # Get more information for the hash table. Since we need to make lots and
>>  # lots of very small XML-RPC calls, we'd like to use system.multicall to
>>  # reduce the latency.
>>  if (defined $method_table{'system.multicall'}) {
>>      # This is messy but fast. Everybody hates HTTP round-trip lag, right?
>>      my @call;
>>      foreach my $method (@methods) {
>>          push @call, {methodName => 'system.methodSignature',
>>                       params => [$method]};
>>          push @call, {methodName => 'system.methodHelp',
>>                       params => [$method]};
>>      }
>>      my @result = @{$server->call('system.multicall', [EMAIL PROTECTED])};
>>      for (my $i = 0; $i < @methods; $i++) {
>>          my $method = $methods[$i];
>>          $method_table{$method}->{'signatures'} = $result[2*$i]->[0];
>>          $method_table{$method}->{'help'} = $result[2*$i+1]->[0];
>>      }
>>  } else {
>>      # This is easy but slow (especially over backbone links).
>>      foreach my $method (@methods) {
>>          my $signature = $server->call('system.methodSignature', $method);
>>          my $help = $server->call('system.methodHelp', $method);
>>          $method_table{$method}->{'signatures'} = $signature;
>>          $method_table{$method}->{'help'} = $help;
>>      }
>>  }
>>  # Now, we need to dump the API.
>>  print <<"EOD";
>>  <html>
>>  <head><title>XML API for $ARGV[0]</title>
>>  </head>
>>  <body>
>>  <h1>XML-RPC API for $ARGV[0]</h1>
>>  See [30]http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html for 
>> instructions
>>  on using XML-RPC with Perl, Python, Java, C, C++, PHP, etc.
>>  EOD
>>  print qq|<h2>Methods</h2>
>>  <hr>
>>  |;
>>  foreach my $method (@methods) {
>>      print "\n<h3>$method</h3>\n";
>>      my $methodinfo = "";
>>      # Print a synopsis of the function.
>>      if ($method_table{$method}->{'signatures'} eq 'undef') {
>>          # No documentation. Bad server. No biscuit.
>>          $methodinfo = "unknown $method (...)\n";
>>      } else {
>>              if ( $method_table{$method}->{'signatures'} =~ /^ARRAY/ ){
>>                      for my $signature 
>> (@{$method_table{$method}->{'signatures'}}) {
>>                              if ( $signature =~ /^ARRAY/ ){
>>                                      my $return_type = shift @$signature;
>>                                      my $arguments = join(", ", @$signature);
>>                                      $methodinfo .= "\n<tt>$return_type 
>> $method ($arguments)</tt>\n";
>>                              }
>>                      }
>>              }
>>      }
>>      if ( $methodinfo ne "" ){
>>          print "$methodinfo\n";
>>      }
>>      my $help = $method_table{$method}->{'help'};
>>      if ($help =~ /\n/) {
>>          # Text has already been broken into lines by the server, so just
>>          # indent it by two spaces and hope for the best.
>>          my @lines = split(/\n/, $help);
>>          my $help = "  " . join("\n  ", @lines);
>>          if ( $help =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ){
>>              print "$help\n";
>>          }
>>      } else {
>>          # Print our help text in a nicely-wrapped fashion using Perl's
>>          # formatting routines.
>>          $helptext = $method_table{$method}->{'help'};
>>          $helptext =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
>>          $helptext =~ s/\\'/'/g;
>>          $helptext =~ s/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/<br><b>param: <\/b>/g;
>>          $helptext =~ s/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/<br><b>returns: <\/b>/g;
>>          $helptext =~ s/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/<br><b>return type: <\/b>/g;
>>          $helptext .= "<hr>";
>>          write;
>>      }
>>  }
>>  format STDOUT =
>> ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~
>>    $helptext
>>  .
>> References
>>    Visible links
>>    1. http://localhost:8005/
>>    2. http://localhost:8005/
>>    3. http://localhost:8005/
>>    4. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html
>>    5. http://localhost:8005/
>>    6. http://localhost:8005/
>>    7. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html
>>    8. http://localhost:8005/
>>    9. 
>> http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
>>   10. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>   11. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xenman-users
>>   12. 
>> http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
>>   13. mailto:XenMan-Users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>   14. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xenman-users
>>   15. http://localhost:8005/
>>   16. http://localhost:8005/
>>   17. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html
>>   18. http://localhost:8005/
>>   19. 
>> http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
>>   20. mailto:2
>>   21. mailto:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>   22. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xenman-users
>>   23. 
>> http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
>>   24. mailto:XenMan-Users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>   25. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xenman-users
>>   26. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>   27. http://bitsko.slc.ut.us/~ken/xml-rpc/
>>   28. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html
>>   29. http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.php
>>   30. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html

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