Module: xenomai-forge
Branch: next
Commit: b8aae9e832f952b9f2a9c7ba2b3d7898a8f34a68

Author: Philippe Gerum <>
Date:   Tue Jul  1 12:10:45 2014 +0200

lib/smokey: add general documentation


 doc/doxygen/ |    1 +
 lib/smokey/init.c                   |  189 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 190 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/doxygen/ 
index 5f0c183..904724e 100644
--- a/doc/doxygen/
+++ b/doc/doxygen/
@@ -865,6 +865,7 @@ INPUT                  =                                    
                       @top_srcdir@/kernel/cobalt                       \
                       @top_srcdir@/kernel/drivers                      \
                       @top_srcdir@/lib/cobalt                          \
+                      @top_srcdir@/lib/smokey                          \
                       @top_srcdir@/lib/analogy                         \
                       @top_srcdir@/lib/alchemy                         \
                       @top_srcdir@/lib/vxworks                         \
diff --git a/lib/smokey/init.c b/lib/smokey/init.c
index 8c39011..6a55c08 100644
--- a/lib/smokey/init.c
+++ b/lib/smokey/init.c
@@ -35,6 +35,195 @@
  * @defgroup smokey Smokey API
  * A simple infrastructure for writing and running smoke tests.
+ *
+ * Smokey is based on the Copperplate API, therefore is available over
+ * the single and dual kernel Xenomai configurations indifferently.
+ *
+ * The API provides a set of services for declaring any number of test
+ * plugins, embodied into a test program. Each plugin usually
+ * implements a single smoke test, checking a particular feature of
+ * interest. Each plugin present in the running executable is
+ * automatically detected by the Smokey init routine. In addition, the
+ * Smokey API parses all arguments and options passed on the command
+ * line to the executable, running pre-defined actions which are
+ * therefore automatically recognized by all programs linked against
+ * the Smokey library.
+ *
+ * @par Writing smoke tests with Smokey
+ *
+ * A smoke test is composed of a routine which implements the test
+ * code, and a set of runtime settings/attributes for running such
+ * code. The routine prototype shall be:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * int run_<test_name>(struct smokey_test *t, int argc, char *const argv[])
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The test routine should return a zero value for success, or any
+ * negated POSIX error code for indicating the failure to the test
+ * driver (e.g. -EINVAL if some value is found to be wrong).
+ *
+ * With @a t referring to the Smokey test descriptor, and @a argc, @a
+ * argv the argument count and vector expunged from all the inner
+ * options which may have been previously interpreted by the Smokey
+ * API and inner layers (such as Copperplate).
+ *
+ * The Smokey API provides the services to declare a complete test
+ * (named @b foo in this example) as follows:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * #include <smokey/smokey.h>
+ *
+ * smokey_test_plugin(foo, // test name
+ *                    SMOKEY_ARGLIST( // argument list
+ *                             SMOKEY_INT(some_integer),
+ *                             SMOKEY_STRING(some_string),
+ *                             SMOKEY_BOOL(some_boolean),
+ *                   ),
+ *                    // description
+ *                   "A dummy Smokey-based test plugin\n"
+ *                   "\taccepting three optional arguments:\n"
+ *                   "\tsome_integer=<value>\n"
+ *                   "\tsome_string=<string>\n"
+ *                   "\tsome_bool[=0/1]\n"
+ * );
+ *
+ * static int run_foo(struct smokey_test *t, int argc, char *const argv[])
+ * {
+ *      char *s_arg = NULL;
+ *      bool b_arg = false;
+ *      int i_arg = 0, ret;
+ *
+ *     ret = smokey_parse_args(t, argc, argv);
+ *      if (ret)
+ *          return ret;
+ *
+ *     if (SMOKEY_ARG_ISSET(foo, 0))
+ *             i_arg = SMOKEY_ARG_INT(foo, 0);
+ *     if (SMOKEY_ARG_ISSET(foo, 1))
+ *             s_arg = SMOKEY_ARG_STRING(foo, 1);
+ *     if (SMOKEY_ARG_ISSET(foo, 2))
+ *             b_arg = SMOKEY_ARG_INT(foo, 2);
+ *
+ *      return run_some_hypothetical_smoke_test_code(i_arg, s_arg, b_arg);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * As illustrated, a smoke test is at least composed of a test plugin
+ * descriptor (i.e. @a smokey_test_plugin()), and a run handler named
+ * after the test.
+ *
+ * @par Test arguments
+ *
+ * Smokey recognizes three argument declarators, namely:
+ * SMOKEY_INT(name) for a C (signed) integer, SMOKEY_BOOL(name) for a
+ * boolean value and SMOKEY_STRING(name) for a character string.
+ *
+ * Each argument can be passed to the test code as a name=value pair,
+ * where @a name should match one of the declarators.  Before the
+ * test-specific arguments can be accessed, a call to
+ * smokey_parse_args() must be issued by the test code, passing the
+ * parameters received in the run handler.
+ *
+ * Once smokey_parse_args() has returned, each argument can be checked
+ * individually for presence. If a valid argument was matched on the
+ * command line, SMOKEY_ARG_ISSET(name, position) returns non-zero,
+ * with @a position defined as the 0-based argument position in the
+ * declarator list. In the latter case, its value can be retrieved by
+ * a corresponding call to SMOKEY_ARG_INT(name, position),
+ * SMOKEY_ARG_STRING(name, position) or SMOKEY_ARG_BOOL(name,
+ * position).
+ *
+ * In the above example, passing "some_integer=3" on the command line of
+ * any program implementing such Smokey-based test would cause the
+ * variable i_arg to receive "3" as a value.
+ *
+ * @par Pre-defined Smokey options
+ *
+ * Any program linked against the Smokey API implicitly recognizes the
+ * following options:
+ *
+ * - --list dumps the list of tests implemented in the program to
+ *   stdout. The information given includes the description strings
+ *   provided in the plugin declarators (smokey_test_plugin()).  The
+ *   position and symbolic name of each test is also issued, which may
+ *   be used in id specifications with the --run option (see below).
+ *
+ * @note Test positions may vary depending on changes to the host
+ * program like adding or removing other tests, the symbolic name
+ * however is stable and identifies each test uniquely.
+ *
+ * - --run[=<id[,id...]>] selects the tests to be run, determining the
+ *   active test list among the overall set of tests detected in the
+ *   host program.  The test driver code (e.g. implementing a test
+ *   harness program on top of Smokey) may then iterate over the @a
+ *   smokey_test_list for accessing each active test individually, in
+ *   the enumeration order specified by the user.
+ *
+ *   If no argument is passed to --run, Smokey assumes that all tests
+ *   detected in the current program should be picked, filling @a
+ *   smokey_test_list with tests by increasing position order.
+ *
+ *   Otherwise, id may be a test position, a symbolic name, or a range
+ *   thereof delimited by a dash character. A symbolic name may be
+ *   matched using a glob(3) type regular expression.
+ *
+ *   id specification may be:
+ *
+ *   - 0-9, picks tests #0 to #9
+ *   - -3, picks tests #0 to #3
+ *   - 5-, picks tests #5 to the highest possible test position
+ *   - 2-0, picks tests #2 to #0, in decreasing order
+ *   - foo, picks test foo only
+ *   - 0,1,foo- picks tests #0, #1, and any test from foo up to the
+ *     last test defined
+ *   - fo* picks any test with a name starting by "fo"
+ *
+ * - --keep-going sets the boolean flag @a smokey_keep_going to a
+ *   non-zero value, indicating to the test driver that receiving a
+ *   failure code from a smoke test should not abort the test loop.
+ *   This flag is not otherwise interpreted by the Smokey API.
+ *
+ * @par Writing a test driver based on the Smokey API
+ *
+ * A test driver provides the main() entry point, which should iterate
+ * over the test list (@a smokey_test_list) prepared by the Smokey
+ * API, for running each test individually.  The @a for_each_smokey_test()
+ * helper is available for iterating over the active test list.
+ *
+ * When this entry point is called, all the initialization chores,
+ * including the test detection and the active test selection have
+ * been performed by the Smokey API already.
+ *
+ * Therefore, a possible implementation of a test driver could be as
+ * basic as:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * #include <stdio.h>
+ * #include <error.h>
+ * #include <smokey/smokey.h>
+ *
+ * int main(int argc, char *const argv[])
+ * {
+ *     struct smokey_test *t;
+ *     int ret;
+ *
+ *     if (pvlist_empty(&smokey_test_list))
+ *             return 0;
+ *
+ *     for_each_smokey_test(t) {
+ *             ret = t->run(t, argc, argv);
+ *             if (ret) {
+ *                     if (smokey_keep_going)
+ *                             continue;
+ *                     error(1, -ret, "test %s failed", t->name);
+ *             }
+ *             printf("%s OK\n", t->name);
+ *     }
+ *
+ *     return 0;
+ * }
+ * @endcode

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