Paolo Gai wrote:
 > (...)
 > 1) why do i get "pthread_setschedparam failed: Success" ?? Why the 
 > policy is not changed (am I still calling the Linux functions?)

That one is a bug, fixed in the repository: it was due to the fact that
PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED had different values in /usr/include/pthread.h
and in Xenomai skins/posix/posix.h.

Thanks for pointing this out.

 > 2) The SCHED_FIFO seems to work as expected, whereas SCHED_RR seems to 
 > have a strange behavior when it starts (the low priority thread is 
 > started before the others...

Because threads are started with the SCHED_OTHER policy and only change
their policy once they call pthread_setschedparam. So, if by any chance
the lowest priority thread is elected first, it becomes the only
real-time thread by calling pthread_setschedparam, and since the
mid-priority threads are not real-time yet, it runs before them.

 > 3) the XServer freezes but for a SHORTER time - I guess they are the 
 > Xenomai threads, one thing I do not understand is why with Linux the 
 > XServer stops for around 10 seconds, and in Xenomai less than one second!!!

Because the threads were running with the SCHED_OTHER policy, due to the
bug in pthread_setschedparam.

 > (...)
 > Again, the same behavior as before in Case 1/Xenomai
 > which make me think that
 > - the behavior on Xenomai does not depend a lot on the fact i called 
 > stdio functions

Yes, my mistake, as required by the standard, glibc pthread mutexes work
as expected for SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR policies.

 > - the SCHED_RR maybe still has some problems (???)

SCHED_RR is not supported for Xenomai posix skin user-space
threads. My understanding is that having round-robin scheduling work
with xenomai threads in secondary mode requires changes in


                                            Gilles Chanteperdrix.

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