Two questions:

Question #1:

In the latest document describing XeTeX extensions, dated 2019-12-09, for 
instance, at


in section 2.3 "Maths fonts" (currently on page 14), the following sentence 
needs clarification:

>| In the following commands, ⟨fam.⟩ is a number (0–255) representing
>| font to use in maths. ⟨math type⟩ is the 0–7 number corresponding to
>| the type of math symbol ...

But <fam.> is not a font number (or index).  As <fam.> denotes, it is a font 
family number (or index), where each font family represents a triplet of loaded 
fonts, one each for text, script, and scriptscript situations.

And throughout other TeX documentation, the word "class" is used to describe 
the purpose of a math character, a 3-bit number between 0 and 7.

I suggest this be amended to read:

In the following commands, ⟨fam.⟩ is a number (0–255) of the math font family. 
⟨math type⟩ is the 0–7 number corresponding to the class of math symbol ...

Question #2:

Later on, in various syntax declarations, e.g.,

>| \Umathcode⟨char slot⟩ [=] ⟨math type⟩ ⟨fam.⟩ ⟨glyph slot⟩

one finds the term <glyph slot>.  This is curious, because XeTeX's source code 
parses this integer as an integer, using a procedure named scan_usv_num ("usv" 
stands for Unicode scalar value).  That routine complains about any value 
outside the Unicode range of 0 to "10FFFF as illegal.

But glyph slot is a term usually used to describe the innards of a font, and is 
not the same as a Unicode character/code point/scalar value, which the font 
would internally map to a glyph slot (or index).  Also, every OpenType font is 
limited to no more than 2^{16} (65536) glyph slots, so it's concerning that 
this routine accepts a number that is outside of that range.

If this is the case, another problem is that it is then formally possible that 
a font contains a glyph whose internal slot number, for example, might be "D800 
(a legal 16-bit value that scan_usv_num won't complain about).  But "D800 is 
not a legal Unicode character value, it's a high-surrogate value for forming a 
full 21-bit Unicode character value with another low surrogate value.  "D800 
might be a Unicode scalar value, but it is not a character value.

So my question is:

What is a proper legal value for a <glyph slot>?  Alternatively, should <glyph 
slot> be changed in this documentation to something less ambiguous, such as 
<Unicode character value> or <Unicode code point> or <Unicode scalar value>?

Doug McKenna
Mathemaesthetics, Inc.

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