On 3/29/2015 1:26 PM, Philip Taylor wrote:
Zdenek Wagner wrote:
Professional Acrobat contains Prepress Tools that can verify PDF and fix
quite a lot of problems. It costs money but a damaged book may cost even
more. And there is also a PitStop plugin that may be useful. Many print
houses have it and complain if the supplied PDF does not conform to PDF/X.

Yes, well ...  I do have a licenced copy of Adobe Acrobat Pro, and it tells me
that the PDF output from XeTeX is seriously PDF/X deficient ...

I suppose I should worry about this--or actually, since I'm interested in producing archival PDFs of linguistic documents, I should worry about PDF/A. The wikipedia article about PDF/A (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDF/A) has a section about "establishing conformance," but there are no links to such tools. There is a list here:
But those appear to all be commercial tools (although the one at http://www.intarsys.de/en/prod/pdfa-live may be good enough for our needs). And a rather old GitHub project to do validation here:
A rather long discussion here (despite its having been declared out-of-scope!):


It would be nice if xdvipdfmx had a switch to produce PDF/A (and maybe PDF/X) conformant documents. I don't know how easy that would be; there seem to be a lot of considerations.
        Mike Maxwell
        "My definition of an interesting universe is
        one that has the capacity to study itself."
        --Stephen Eastmond

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