
        I was using XFree 4.2.0 on my i386 computer with
        a radeon 7500 Video Driver and a Hitachi CM2096ME
        Monitor (H Freq/ V Freq:  30-82 Khz / 50-120 hz).

        I decided last week to update to XFree 4.3.0 and the
        X doesn't start ant more. It seems that the radeon
        driver fail to work with my Monitor.
        Here is the Error:
        Screen(s) found but none of them has a usable

        I'm using XFree on NetBSD 1.6

        Thanks in advance.
Jean-Christophe VALIERE
EPITA Paris Sud, 14-16 Rus Voltaire, 94270 Le Kremlin Bicetre
Tel: +33 1 44786872   E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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