Many people are aware of these IRC channels already, but many may
also not be aware.  I thought I would post a quick note here to
let everyone know that there are some unofficial XFree86 related
IRC channels for both development discussion as well as end user
help, etc. that people can use.

The following channels are all on the network, 
which was previously known as  Please use 
the address when connecting as the latter 
address is obsolete.  The channels are:

        Average number of users is approx 45

        A general XFree86 chat forum for end users, developers
        and others looking to discuss XFree86 related items, 
        including, but not limited to:  XFree86 configuration 
        help, compiling XFree86, troubleshooting problems, and 
        other general topics of discussion.  GNOME/KDE and other 
        similar higher level GUI things are not on topic, and
        those projects have their own respective channels for
        discussion.  Some XFree86/X11 developers frequent this 
        channel and help people out when they can as time 
        permits.  Developmental discussions sometimes occur here 
        as well, however people are encouraged to use the
        #xfree86-devel or #dri-devel channels below first when
        discussing developmental issues.

        Average number of users is approx 14, but growing lately

        This channel is intended for developers to discuss topics
        related to all sides of X development, including X server
        debugging and troubleshooting, video driver programming,
        or any similar discussion regarding the development of
        XFree86 itself.  Questions about X client application
        development, X APIs, and similar are also welcome.  The
        channel is rather young however and there isn't always
        someone present who has an answer to a given question.  
        Developers are welcome, and in fact encouraged to lurk in
        the channel and help other developers also.  Some
        XFree86/X11 developers also frequent this channel and 
        will generally respond to questions if they are at the
        keyboard, are able to answer the question, and are free
        to chat.

        Average number of users is approx 15

        This channel is for end user discussion of issues related 
        to DRI, 3D acceleration, configuration, etc.  I don't 
        frequent this channel so I'm not familiar with the
        channel's policies, or details of the types of
        discussions that make up the general content though.  If
        you've got DRI questions, it is probably worth checking
        out.  DRI related end user questions are also welcome in
        the #xfree86 channel.

        Average number of users is approx 20

        This channel is quite a bit different than the ones above 
        on a day to day basis.  The channel's focus is strictly 
        developmental discussion of DRI (Direct Rendering 
        Infrastructure), Mesa, and the kernel side of DRI - the 
        DRM.  End user questions, configuration help, and similar 
        should not be asked here, but should be asked in either 
        #dri or #xfree86.

        DRI development meetings are held every Monday at 5:00pm
        EST (2200 UTC) for a couple of hours generally in which
        DRI developers get together to interactively discuss DRI
        developmental issues.  The meetings are open to anyone 
        to attend, and not restricted to DRI developers.  Note
        that end users asking for help configuring DRI or XFree86 
        is very off topic on #dri-devel, and should be asked
        instead on #xfree86 or #dri, however end users are
        welcome to participate in discussions, ask questions 
        about development, how to get started developing DRI, and
        also provide feedback that may help developers.

Most of the above channels have been available on (formerly for a year or
more, however some are a bit newer.

All XFree86 users and developers are welcome to drop by and
participate, ask questions, help others. Some people hate IRC of
course, and won't at all be interested in any of this.  I used to
be one of those people for about 6 years myself, so I understand
where you're coming from.  ;o)  I've since found IRC can however
be a useful tool for communication with other developers and
users though, and thought I'd post a note here to let people know 
these discussion forums exist should they wish to participate.

Take care,

Mike A. Harris

XFree86 mailing list

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