Just loaded ydl 2.3 on 750iBook & was working ok - updatsd via "apt-get" &
now get above message when boot into linux with 5min disable.
Message continues:-  /etc/rc5.d/s91atalk : nbrgstr : command not found

When login as root reads:-

bash:id : command not found
[: =: unary operator expected
[: =: unary operator expected
[: =: unary operator expected
bash: dir colors:command not found
[too many arguments

I tried "startx" with message:-

Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.xo=lock & start again.

I am getting 3 terminal windows open & when I try "startx" in one I get:-

sh: /lib/cpp: no such file or directory
/bash/bash ::id= command not found

/etc/x11/xinit/xclients: tr : command not found
/bin/bash : id : command not found
/usr /x11R6 /bin/run wm : tr : command not found

Warning - you selected Fv wm2 as your window manager but your installation
does not appear to be functional.
The exectutable /usr/x11R6/bin/fv wm2 was not found on your system.
Resuming with TWM...

As I said there are 3 terminal windows with timer, & grey background.
Unfortunately I am a newb & have tried In vain to get to the normal start
Don`t think I`ve changed anything except for updating the programs from the
official site.

Any advice very much appreciated.
regards, ray.

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