I know Davide is gone and all, but this was kind of weird and I wanted to 
see if anyone else had noticed it.

I've made a couple of custom mods to the xmail source code so that I can 
block on RDNS patterns (as well as MAIL FROM patterns). However, none of my 
modifications touched any of the string routine code (it was all in the 
SMTPSvr code).

So, I've been merrily adding RDNS patterns for blocking purposes, and my 
file is getting pretty good sized, so I start wondering if there are 
duplicate patterns in there somewhere (by duplicate patterns, I mean 
patterns which are not identical, but which would catch the same domain names).

So, I wrote a little program that parses the headers of emails that have 
been rejected due to RDNS pattern matching, and it scans against the same 
pattern list that xmail is, and reports which patterns were matched by any 
particular RDNS. This was accomplished by pulling the code from 
StrWildMatch out of xmail, putting it in a DLL, and calling it from my own 

And I'm noticing some odd occurances, things I can't explain (I'm *way* not 
a C++ guy, and I get lost in the pointer jungle in StrWildMatch). I've got 
things that appear to be matching multiple patterns, but from my 
understanding of the way the matching works, they should not match both 
patterns. I've included some examples below.

Has anyone else seen similar things? Or perhaps someone has looked at the 
StrWildMatch code and had a better understanding than I have and can tell 
me where I'm going wrong here?

Thanks for any suggestions. If I don't find an answer before then, I'll 
mention it again when Davide gets back.

-------- Samples of multiple matches --------
(second match is expected, but not first)
210-20-54-173.rev.home.ne.jp matched pattern *-*-*-*.home.ne.jp
210-20-54-173.rev.home.ne.jp matched pattern *-*-*-*.rev.home.ne.jp

(first match is expected, but not second)
adsl-64-167-79-69.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net matched pattern *.dsl.*.pacbell.net
adsl-64-167-79-69.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net matched pattern adsl*.*.pacbell.net

(first match is expected, but not second)
chello080108085161.2.11.vie.surfer.at matched pattern chello*.*.*.*.surfer.at
chello080108085161.2.11.vie.surfer.at matched pattern chello*.*.surfer.at

(second match is expected, but not first)
lsanca2-ar37-4-62-192-032.lsanca2.dsl-verizon.net matched pattern 
lsanca2-ar37-4-62-192-032.lsanca2.dsl-verizon.net matched pattern 

(first match is expected,. but not second)
modemcable036.209-131-66.mc.videotron.ca matched pattern *.*.mc.videotron.ca
modemcable036.209-131-66.mc.videotron.ca matched pattern *.mc.videotron.ca

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