On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Chris L. Franklin wrote:

> OK I now have 2 email severs that I can't send to due to them. Telling 
> me my email server  "Your mailer tried to send an e-mail message to a 
> server running qmail. Unfortunately, qmail spotted a problem: your 
> mailer sent a bare LF."  so to fix this i had to write a filter that 
> converted all email to CRLF.

XMail reads both formats from the SMTP client, and *explicitly* convert 
them to CRLF when storing them on disk. After that, filters can screw them 
up, and this is a filter implementor problem. XMail indeeed doe not do 
a read-line-by-line send, but it uses either sendfile() or mmap()+write().
So, check your filters.

- Davide

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