On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, T. Mike Howeth wrote:

> Running on Windows, I have found it to be very helpful to include =
> xmail's version number on the following:
>  - service name
>  - service display name
>  - registry keys used for startup options
> Doing so permits deployment and installation testing of new releases on =
> the production server without disturbing the version already
> in production, simple switchover when the rollout is ready, and fast =
> failover to the previous release in the event of unforseen
> problems.  The appropriate equivalents would be equally useful on =
> UNIX-based implementations.

It is already in there for Windows. Just name you exe XMail-1.16.exe,
XMail-1.17.exe and that name will be used to fetch registry keys. For Unix
there's no problem.

- Davide

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