Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-26 Thread U.Mutlu via xmail

U.Mutlu via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 04:38 PM:

Bart Mortelmans via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 03:55 PM:

It might be difficult to determine if the problem is with XMail or with the
client. And even if for example Tencent actually closes the connection
incorrectly, it should be better if XMail would be able to handle such an
improperly closed connection.
But I'm not sure if you'll find somebody in this forum that will be able to
fix this problem. Maybe you could try to get K9 developers involved in this?
That seems to be managed much more actively than XMail. With a bit of luck,
they can at least find out what they are doing differently compared to for
example Outlook and that could cause this problem.

Regarding FIN_WAIT2:
I suspect it is caused by a firewall issue where some FIN's or ACK's
are blocked or wrongly filtered out, or the client side doesn't properly
close the socket, or some of the sockets it allocates.
One really cannot trust any interpreted scripting language many mobiles do use.
Using iptables one can diagnose this by logging the FIN's, ACK's.


Oversea Site via xmail schreef op 26/05/15 om 15:09:

Now I am using original XMAIL-1.27.tar.gz source without simultaneous POP3
logins, no STUNNEL, use NATIVE XMAIL SSL. The problem still exists, K9-MAIL
will report IllegalFormatConversonException when I receive more then 100-200
emails. So It should be XMAIL SSL problem. Because When I reuse STUNNEL to
do a POP3 tunnel again, the problem will fix.

One more thought:

If an application throws an exception without catching and handling it,
like is the case above, then this means that the application is badly 
programmed. A good application would catch the exception and do what is

necessary in that state of of the program.
In this case one can simply say the app or part of it just badly crashed;
no app should behave so. Exceptions can and must be handled by the app.


xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-26 Thread U.Mutlu via xmail

Bart Mortelmans via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 03:55 PM:

It might be difficult to determine if the problem is with XMail or with the
client. And even if for example Tencent actually closes the connection
incorrectly, it should be better if XMail would be able to handle such an
improperly closed connection.
But I'm not sure if you'll find somebody in this forum that will be able to
fix this problem. Maybe you could try to get K9 developers involved in this?
That seems to be managed much more actively than XMail. With a bit of luck,
they can at least find out what they are doing differently compared to for
example Outlook and that could cause this problem.

Regarding FIN_WAIT2:
I suspect it is caused by a firewall issue where some FIN's or ACK's
are blocked or wrongly filtered out, or the client side doesn't properly
close the socket, or some of the sockets it allocates.
One really cannot trust any interpreted scripting language many mobiles do use.
Using iptables one can diagnose this by logging the FIN's, ACK's.


Oversea Site via xmail schreef op 26/05/15 om 15:09:

Now I am using original XMAIL-1.27.tar.gz source without simultaneous POP3
logins, no STUNNEL, use NATIVE XMAIL SSL. The problem still exists, K9-MAIL
will report IllegalFormatConversonException when I receive more then 100-200
emails. So It should be XMAIL SSL problem. Because When I reuse STUNNEL to
do a POP3 tunnel again, the problem will fix.

xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-26 Thread Bart Mortelmans via xmail
It might be difficult to determine if the problem is with XMail or with 
the client. And even if for example Tencent actually closes the 
connection incorrectly, it should be better if XMail would be able to 
handle such an improperly closed connection.
But I'm not sure if you'll find somebody in this forum that will be able 
to fix this problem. Maybe you could try to get K9 developers involved 
in this? That seems to be managed much more actively than XMail. With a 
bit of luck, they can at least find out what they are doing differently 
compared to for example Outlook and that could cause this problem.

Oversea Site via xmail schreef op 26/05/15 om 15:09:

Now I am using original XMAIL-1.27.tar.gz source without simultaneous POP3 
logins, no STUNNEL, use NATIVE XMAIL SSL. The problem still exists, K9-MAIL 
will report IllegalFormatConversonException when I receive more then 100-200 
emails. So It should be XMAIL SSL problem. Because When I reuse STUNNEL to do a 
POP3 tunnel again, the problem will fix.

 Original Message 
From: Bart Mortelmans 
To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

Is there any way for you to test if the problem exists if you don't
allow simultaneous POP3 logins?

Oversea Site via xmail schreef op 26/05/15 om 08:14:

POP3Utils.cpp - ADD POP3 Concurrent Login. I used this function over 5 years.. 
I don't know C++ programming. Sorry :)

  if (pPOPMD->ulFlags & POPF_MSG_DELETED) {
  UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_MSG_DELETED, 


  UsrGetMailboxPath(pPOPSD->pUI, szMsgFilePath, sizeof(szMsgFilePath), 
  StrNCat(szMsgFilePath, pPOPMD->szMsgName, sizeof(szMsgFilePath));

FILE *pMsgFile = fopen(szMsgFilePath, "rb");
if (pMsgFile == NULL) {
UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_FILE_OPEN, pPOPSD->iTimeout);



  SysSNPrintf(szResponse, sizeof(szResponse) - 1,
  "+OK " SYS_OFFT_FMT " bytes", pPOPMD->llMsgSize);
  if (BSckSendString(hBSock, szResponse, pPOPSD->iTimeout) < 0)
  return ErrGetErrorCode();

  if (pPOPMD->llMsgSize > 0 &&

 Original Message 
From: Oversea Site via xmail 
To: "XMail Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

FEDORA 4 X86_64 GLIBC 2.3.6-3 (I can't upgrade it to the lastest version.. 
Because I have a chiliasp 3.6.2 32-bit run ASP VBSCRIPT on APACHE 1.3 32-bit 
software, it need GLIBC 2.3.x and Kernel 2.6)

KERNEL 3.3 MOD FROM FC15 (It will display KERNEL 2.6.43 Number). Kernel is not 
a main problem. Because I have been test 2.6.32 or other. same problem was 


Corp. Email System is not heavily use when I test it in HK TIME midnight..

Anyway I will test this issue in other linux distribution in VM, such as 
CentOS. (You can give me any linux distribution, let's build the same platform 
in VM. I use virtualbox.

[root@bravo logs]# uname -a
Linux bravo 2.6.43-gcc402 #3 SMP Sun May 17 23:10:29 HKT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 
x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@bravo logs]#
[root@bravo logs]# ldd /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 =>  (0x77f0e000) => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
(0x7f43b00bc000) => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
(0x7f43afd35000) => /lib64/ (0x003e1820) => /lib64/ (0x003e1860) => /usr/lib64/ (0x7f43afa37000) => /lib64/ (0x003e1800) => /lib64/ (0x003e1940) => /lib64/ (0x003e17d0)
 /lib64/ (0x003e17b0)

/var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 -Md -Ms /var/MailRoot -Sl -Pl -Cl \
-SI -SI \
-PI -PI \
-BI \
-XI \
-Ql -Ln 256 -Pt 60 -St 150 -F- -SX 2048 -Mx 64 \
-Qn 64 -PX 2048 -Qr 1 -Qt 1 -QT 150 -Qg -CX 256

---- Original Message 
From: "U.Mutlu" 
To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tue, May 

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-26 Thread U.Mutlu via xmail

Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 03:09 PM:

Now I am using original XMAIL-1.27.tar.gz source without simultaneous POP3
logins, no STUNNEL, use NATIVE XMAIL SSL. The problem still exists, K9-MAIL
will report IllegalFormatConversonException when I receive more then
100-200 emails. So It should be XMAIL SSL problem. Because When I reuse
STUNNEL to do a POP3 tunnel again, the problem will fix.

But since you said that no error happens with normal mail-clients
(Outlook etc.), then the error must lie in the mobile clients you listed.
They seem to not handle properly the closing of the sockets they create.


 Original Message  From: Bart Mortelmans  To:, "XMail Users Mailing List"  Sent: Tue,
May 26, 2015, 3:13 PM Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

Is there any way for you to test if the problem exists if you don't allow
simultaneous POP3 logins?

Oversea Site via xmail schreef op 26/05/15 om 08:14:

POP3Utils.cpp - ADD POP3 Concurrent Login. I used this function over 5
years.. I don't know C++ programming. Sorry :)


if (pPOPMD->ulFlags & POPF_MSG_DELETED) { UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock,


UsrGetMailboxPath(pPOPSD->pUI, szMsgFilePath, sizeof(szMsgFilePath),
1); StrNCat(szMsgFilePath, pPOPMD->szMsgName, sizeof(szMsgFilePath));

FILE *pMsgFile = fopen(szMsgFilePath, "rb"); if (pMsgFile == NULL) {
UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_FILE_OPEN, pPOPSD->iTimeout);

ErrSetErrorCode(ERR_FILE_OPEN); return ERR_FILE_OPEN; }


SysSNPrintf(szResponse, sizeof(szResponse) - 1, "+OK " SYS_OFFT_FMT "
bytes", pPOPMD->llMsgSize); if (BSckSendString(hBSock, szResponse,
pPOPSD->iTimeout) < 0) return ErrGetErrorCode();

if (pPOPMD->llMsgSize > 0 &&

 Original Message  From: Oversea Site via xmail
 To: "XMail Users Mailing List"
 Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:56 PM Subject: Re:
[xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

FEDORA 4 X86_64 GLIBC 2.3.6-3 (I can't upgrade it to the lastest
version.. Because I have a chiliasp 3.6.2 32-bit run ASP VBSCRIPT on
APACHE 1.3 32-bit software, it need GLIBC 2.3.x and Kernel 2.6)

KERNEL 3.3 MOD FROM FC15 (It will display KERNEL 2.6.43 Number).
Kernel is not a main problem. Because I have been test 2.6.32 or
other. same problem was found.


Corp. Email System is not heavily use when I test it in HK TIME

Anyway I will test this issue in other linux distribution in VM, such
as CentOS. (You can give me any linux distribution, let's build the
same platform in VM. I use virtualbox.

[root@bravo logs]# uname -a Linux bravo 2.6.43-gcc402 #3 SMP Sun May
17 23:10:29 HKT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [root@bravo
logs]# [root@bravo logs]# ldd /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 =>  (0x77f0e000) =>
/usr/local/ssl/lib/ (0x7f43b00bc000) => /usr/local/ssl/lib/
(0x7f43afd35000) => /lib64/
(0x003e1820) => /lib64/
(0x003e1860) => /usr/lib64/
(0x7f43afa37000) => /lib64/
(0x003e1800) => /lib64/
(0x003e1940) => /lib64/
(0x003e17d0) /lib64/

/var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 -Md -Ms /var/MailRoot -Sl -Pl -Cl \ -SI -SI \ -PI -PI \ -BI \ -XI \ -Ql -Ln 256 -Pt 60 -St 150 -F- -SX
2048 -Mx 64 \ -Qn 64 -PX 2048 -Qr 1 -Qt 1 -QT 150 -Qg -CX 256

---- Original Message ---- From: "U.Mutlu"  To:, "XMail Users Mailing List"  Sent:
Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:06 PM Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27
with SSL

Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:

No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump

It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because
when I switch to stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I
test K9-MAIL with XMAIL+STUNNEL, K9 Client will not have any JAVA
somethings Exception Error

Two tests

1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook
with SSL or NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it
will take the server be FIN_WAIT2 (

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-26 Thread Oversea Site via xmail
Now I am using original XMAIL-1.27.tar.gz source without simultaneous POP3 
logins, no STUNNEL, use NATIVE XMAIL SSL. The problem still exists, K9-MAIL 
will report IllegalFormatConversonException when I receive more then 100-200 
emails. So It should be XMAIL SSL problem. Because When I reuse STUNNEL to do a 
POP3 tunnel again, the problem will fix.

> Original Message 
>From: Bart Mortelmans 
>To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
>Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 3:13 PM
>Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>Is there any way for you to test if the problem exists if you don't 
>allow simultaneous POP3 logins?
>Oversea Site via xmail schreef op 26/05/15 om 08:14:
>> POP3Utils.cpp - ADD POP3 Concurrent Login. I used this function over 5 
>> years.. I don't know C++ programming. Sorry :)
>> }
>>  if (pPOPMD->ulFlags & POPF_MSG_DELETED) {
>>  UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_MSG_DELETED, 
>> pPOPSD->iTimeout);
>>  ErrSetErrorCode(ERR_MSG_DELETED);
>>  return ERR_MSG_DELETED;
>>  }
>>  UsrGetMailboxPath(pPOPSD->pUI, szMsgFilePath, 
>> sizeof(szMsgFilePath), 1);
>>  StrNCat(szMsgFilePath, pPOPMD->szMsgName, sizeof(szMsgFilePath));
>> /*
>>   */
>> FILE *pMsgFile = fopen(szMsgFilePath, "rb");
>> if (pMsgFile == NULL) {
>> UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_FILE_OPEN, pPOPSD->iTimeout);
>> ErrSetErrorCode(ERR_FILE_OPEN);
>> return ERR_FILE_OPEN;
>> }
>> fclose(pMsgFile);
>> /*
>>   */
>>  SysSNPrintf(szResponse, sizeof(szResponse) - 1,
>>  "+OK " SYS_OFFT_FMT " bytes", pPOPMD->llMsgSize);
>>      if (BSckSendString(hBSock, szResponse, pPOPSD->iTimeout) < 0)
>>  return ErrGetErrorCode();
>>  if (pPOPMD->llMsgSize > 0 &&
>>>  Original Message 
>>> From: Oversea Site via xmail 
>>> To: "XMail Users Mailing List" 
>>> Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:56 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>>> FEDORA 4 X86_64 GLIBC 2.3.6-3 (I can't upgrade it to the lastest version.. 
>>> Because I have a chiliasp 3.6.2 32-bit run ASP VBSCRIPT on APACHE 1.3 
>>> 32-bit software, it need GLIBC 2.3.x and Kernel 2.6)
>>> KERNEL 3.3 MOD FROM FC15 (It will display KERNEL 2.6.43 Number). Kernel is 
>>> not a main problem. Because I have been test 2.6.32 or other. same problem 
>>> was found.
>>> Corp. Email System is not heavily use when I test it in HK TIME midnight..
>>> Anyway I will test this issue in other linux distribution in VM, such as 
>>> CentOS. (You can give me any linux distribution, let's build the same 
>>> platform in VM. I use virtualbox.
>>> [root@bravo logs]# uname -a
>>> Linux bravo 2.6.43-gcc402 #3 SMP Sun May 17 23:10:29 HKT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 
>>> x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>> [root@bravo logs]#
>>> [root@bravo logs]# ldd /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3
>>> =>  (0x77f0e000)
>>> => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
>>> (0x7f43b00bc000)
>>> => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
>>> (0x7f43afd35000)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x003e1820)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x003e1860)
>>> => /usr/lib64/ (0x7f43afa37000)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x003e1800)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003e1940)
>>> => /lib64/ (0x003e17d0)
>>> /lib64/ (0x003e17b0)
>>> ***
>>> /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 -Md -Ms /var/MailRoot -Sl -Pl -Cl \
>>> -SI -SI \
>>> -PI -PI \
>>> -BI \
>>> -XI 0.0.0.

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-26 Thread U.Mutlu via xmail

Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 07:56 AM:

Anyway I will test this issue in other linux distribution in VM, such as
CentOS. (You can give me any linux distribution, let's build the same
platform in VM. I use virtualbox.

If you could test it with Debian 7 (wheezy) i386, that would make it
easier for me to track the bug.

xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-26 Thread Bart Mortelmans via xmail
Is there any way for you to test if the problem exists if you don't 
allow simultaneous POP3 logins?

Oversea Site via xmail schreef op 26/05/15 om 08:14:

POP3Utils.cpp - ADD POP3 Concurrent Login. I used this function over 5 years.. 
I don't know C++ programming. Sorry :)

 if (pPOPMD->ulFlags & POPF_MSG_DELETED) {
 UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_MSG_DELETED, 


 UsrGetMailboxPath(pPOPSD->pUI, szMsgFilePath, sizeof(szMsgFilePath), 
 StrNCat(szMsgFilePath, pPOPMD->szMsgName, sizeof(szMsgFilePath));

FILE *pMsgFile = fopen(szMsgFilePath, "rb");
if (pMsgFile == NULL) {
UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_FILE_OPEN, pPOPSD->iTimeout);



 SysSNPrintf(szResponse, sizeof(szResponse) - 1,
 "+OK " SYS_OFFT_FMT " bytes", pPOPMD->llMsgSize);
 if (BSckSendString(hBSock, szResponse, pPOPSD->iTimeout) < 0)
 return ErrGetErrorCode();

 if (pPOPMD->llMsgSize > 0 &&

 Original Message 
From: Oversea Site via xmail 
To: "XMail Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

FEDORA 4 X86_64 GLIBC 2.3.6-3 (I can't upgrade it to the lastest version. 
Because I have a chiliasp 3.6.2 32-bit run ASP VBSCRIPT on APACHE 1.3 32-bit 
software, it need GLIBC 2.3.x and Kernel 2.6)

KERNEL 3.3 MOD FROM FC15 (It will display KERNEL 2.6.43 Number). Kernel is not 
a main problem. Because I have been test 2.6.32 or other. same problem was 


Corp. Email System is not heavily use when I test it in HK TIME midnight.

Anyway I will test this issue in other linux distribution in VM, such as 
CentOS. (You can give me any linux distribution, let's build the same platform 
in VM. I use virtualbox.

[root@bravo logs]# uname -a
Linux bravo 2.6.43-gcc402 #3 SMP Sun May 17 23:10:29 HKT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 
x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@bravo logs]#
[root@bravo logs]# ldd /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 =>  (0x77f0e000) => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
(0x7f43b00bc000) => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
(0x7f43afd35000) => /lib64/ (0x003e1820) => /lib64/ (0x003e1860) => /usr/lib64/ (0x7f43afa37000) => /lib64/ (0x003e1800) => /lib64/ (0x003e1940) => /lib64/ (0x003e17d0)
/lib64/ (0x003e17b0)

/var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 -Md -Ms /var/MailRoot -Sl -Pl -Cl \
-SI -SI \
-PI -PI \
-BI \
-XI \
-Ql -Ln 256 -Pt 60 -St 150 -F- -SX 2048 -Mx 64 \
-Qn 64 -PX 2048 -Qr 1 -Qt 1 -QT 150 -Qg -CX 256

---- Original Message 
From: "U.Mutlu" 
To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:

No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump

It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I switch to 
stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with XMAIL+STUNNEL, 
K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error

Two tests

1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or 
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take the 
server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in 
K9-MAIL randomly.

2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or 
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it WILL NOT have 
any problem. Server WILL NOT TAKE FIN_WAIT_2
K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will NOT DISPLAY any error when it 
finished download emails.

I would need full description about the ser

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-25 Thread Oversea Site via xmail
POP3Utils.cpp - ADD POP3 Concurrent Login. I used this function over 5 years.. 
I don't know C++ programming. Sorry :)

if (pPOPMD->ulFlags & POPF_MSG_DELETED) {
UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_MSG_DELETED, 


UsrGetMailboxPath(pPOPSD->pUI, szMsgFilePath, sizeof(szMsgFilePath), 1);
StrNCat(szMsgFilePath, pPOPMD->szMsgName, sizeof(szMsgFilePath));

FILE *pMsgFile = fopen(szMsgFilePath, "rb"); 
if (pMsgFile == NULL) {
UPopSendErrorResponse(hBSock, ERR_FILE_OPEN, pPOPSD->iTimeout);



SysSNPrintf(szResponse, sizeof(szResponse) - 1,
"+OK " SYS_OFFT_FMT " bytes", pPOPMD->llMsgSize);
if (BSckSendString(hBSock, szResponse, pPOPSD->iTimeout) < 0)
return ErrGetErrorCode();

if (pPOPMD->llMsgSize > 0 &&

> Original Message 
>From: Oversea Site via xmail 
>To: "XMail Users Mailing List" 
>Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:56 PM
>Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>FEDORA 4 X86_64 GLIBC 2.3.6-3 (I can't upgrade it to the lastest version. 
>Because I have a chiliasp 3.6.2 32-bit run ASP VBSCRIPT on APACHE 1.3 32-bit 
>software, it need GLIBC 2.3.x and Kernel 2.6)
>KERNEL 3.3 MOD FROM FC15 (It will display KERNEL 2.6.43 Number). Kernel is not 
>a main problem. Because I have been test 2.6.32 or other. same problem was 
>Corp. Email System is not heavily use when I test it in HK TIME midnight.
>Anyway I will test this issue in other linux distribution in VM, such as 
>CentOS. (You can give me any linux distribution, let's build the same platform 
>in VM. I use virtualbox.
>[root@bravo logs]# uname -a
>Linux bravo 2.6.43-gcc402 #3 SMP Sun May 17 23:10:29 HKT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 
>x86_64 GNU/Linux
>[root@bravo logs]#
>[root@bravo logs]# ldd /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3
> =>  (0x77f0e000)
> => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
> (0x7f43b00bc000)
> => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
> (0x7f43afd35000)
> => /lib64/ (0x003e1820)
> => /lib64/ (0x003e1860)
> => /usr/lib64/ (0x7f43afa37000)
> => /lib64/ (0x003e1800)
> => /lib64/ (0x003e1940)
> => /lib64/ (0x003e17d0)
>/lib64/ (0x003e17b0)
>/var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 -Md -Ms /var/MailRoot -Sl -Pl -Cl \
>-SI -SI \
>-PI -PI \
>-BI \
>-XI \
>-Ql -Ln 256 -Pt 60 -St 150 -F- -SX 2048 -Mx 64 \
>-Qn 64 -PX 2048 -Qr 1 -Qt 1 -QT 150 -Qg -CX 256
>> Original Message 
>>From: "U.Mutlu" 
>>To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
>>Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:06 PM
>>Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>>Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:
>>> No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump
>>> It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I 
>>> switch to stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with 
>>> XMAIL+STUNNEL, K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error
>>> Two tests
>>> 1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL
>>> If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL 
>>> or NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
>>> Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take 
>>> the server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
>>> But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in 
>>> K9-MAIL randomly.
>>> 2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy
>>> If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook wi

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-25 Thread Oversea Site via xmail
FEDORA 4 X86_64 GLIBC 2.3.6-3 (I can't upgrade it to the lastest version. 
Because I have a chiliasp 3.6.2 32-bit run ASP VBSCRIPT on APACHE 1.3 32-bit 
software, it need GLIBC 2.3.x and Kernel 2.6)

KERNEL 3.3 MOD FROM FC15 (It will display KERNEL 2.6.43 Number). Kernel is not 
a main problem. Because I have been test 2.6.32 or other. same problem was 


Corp. Email System is not heavily use when I test it in HK TIME midnight.

Anyway I will test this issue in other linux distribution in VM, such as 
CentOS. (You can give me any linux distribution, let's build the same platform 
in VM. I use virtualbox.

[root@bravo logs]# uname -a
Linux bravo 2.6.43-gcc402 #3 SMP Sun May 17 23:10:29 HKT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 
x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@bravo logs]#
[root@bravo logs]# ldd /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 =>  (0x77f0e000) => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
(0x7f43b00bc000) => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ 
(0x7f43afd35000) => /lib64/ (0x003e1820) => /lib64/ (0x003e1860) => /usr/lib64/ (0x7f43afa37000) => /lib64/ (0x003e1800) => /lib64/ (0x003e1940) => /lib64/ (0x003e17d0)
/lib64/ (0x003e17b0)

/var/MailRoot/bin/XMail127v3 -Md -Ms /var/MailRoot -Sl -Pl -Cl \
-SI -SI \
-PI -PI \
-BI \
-XI \
-Ql -Ln 256 -Pt 60 -St 150 -F- -SX 2048 -Mx 64 \
-Qn 64 -PX 2048 -Qr 1 -Qt 1 -QT 150 -Qg -CX 256

> Original Message 
>From: "U.Mutlu" 
>To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
>Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:
>> No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump
>> It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I switch 
>> to stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with 
>> XMAIL+STUNNEL, K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error
>> Two tests
>> 1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL
>> If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or 
>> NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
>> Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take the 
>> server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
>> But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in 
>> K9-MAIL randomly.
>> 2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy
>> If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or 
>> NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
>> Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it WILL NOT have 
>> any problem. Server WILL NOT TAKE FIN_WAIT_2
>> K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will NOT DISPLAY any error when 
>> it finished download emails.
>I would need full description about the server HW and SW (OS version,
>xmail start params etc., any xmail patches applied etc.).
>There is of course also the possibility that the bug lies in the
>said mobile client program, especially if it goes online via
>unstable mobile links as it seems to be a link latency problem,
>or the client does not close the socket cleanly. Take a look at these:
>>>  Original Message 
>>> From: "U.Mutlu" 
>>> To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
>>> Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 10:11 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>>> Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/25/2015 09:23 PM:
>>>> I found the bug on XMAIL 1.27 with SSL (POP3S is main), SSMTP service maybe
>>>> has a same bug too
>>>> 1. it will have too many FIN_WAIT_2 on POP3S with two many requests, It is
>>>> because of some non-popular WINDOWS CLIENT e.g. tencent foxmail , outlook 
>>>> will
>>>> not have this issue.
>>>> 2. If you're using XMAIL'S internal SSL POP

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-25 Thread Oversea Site via xmail
[root@bravo logs]# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout
[root@bravo logs]#

> Original Message 
>From: "U.Mutlu via xmail" 
>To: "U.Mutlu" , "XMail Users Mailing List" 
>Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 1:28 PM
>Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>U.Mutlu via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 07:06 AM:
>> Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:
>>> No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump
>>> It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I switch
>>> to stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with
>>> XMAIL+STUNNEL, K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error
>>> Two tests
>>> 1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL
>>> If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or
>>> NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
>>> Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take the
>>> server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
>>> But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in
>>> K9-MAIL randomly.
>>> 2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy
>>> If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or
>>> NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
>>> Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it WILL NOT have
>>> any problem. Server WILL NOT TAKE FIN_WAIT_2
>>> K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will NOT DISPLAY any error when
>>> it finished download emails.
>> I would need full description about the server HW and SW (OS version,
>> xmail start params etc., any xmail patches applied etc.).
>> There is of course also the possibility that the bug lies in the
>> said mobile client program, especially if it goes online via
>> unstable mobile links as it seems to be a link latency problem,
>> or the client does not close the socket cleanly. Take a look at these:
>Check this too:
># cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout
>The following page is informative too:
>xmail mailing list

xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-25 Thread U.Mutlu via xmail

U.Mutlu via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 07:06 AM:

Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:

No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump

It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I switch
to stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with
XMAIL+STUNNEL, K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error

Two tests

1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take the
server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in
K9-MAIL randomly.

2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it WILL NOT have
any problem. Server WILL NOT TAKE FIN_WAIT_2
K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will NOT DISPLAY any error when
it finished download emails.

I would need full description about the server HW and SW (OS version,
xmail start params etc., any xmail patches applied etc.).

There is of course also the possibility that the bug lies in the
said mobile client program, especially if it goes online via
unstable mobile links as it seems to be a link latency problem,
or the client does not close the socket cleanly. Take a look at these:

Check this too:

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout

The following page is informative too:


xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-25 Thread U.Mutlu via xmail

Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/26/2015 05:14 AM:

No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump

It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I switch to 
stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with XMAIL+STUNNEL, 
K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error

Two tests

1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or 
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take the 
server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in 
K9-MAIL randomly.

2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or 
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it WILL NOT have 
any problem. Server WILL NOT TAKE FIN_WAIT_2
K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will NOT DISPLAY any error when it 
finished download emails.

I would need full description about the server HW and SW (OS version,
xmail start params etc., any xmail patches applied etc.).

There is of course also the possibility that the bug lies in the
said mobile client program, especially if it goes online via
unstable mobile links as it seems to be a link latency problem,
or the client does not close the socket cleanly. Take a look at these:


 Original Message 
From: "U.Mutlu" 
To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/25/2015 09:23 PM:

I found the bug on XMAIL 1.27 with SSL (POP3S is main), SSMTP service maybe
has a same bug too

1. it will have too many FIN_WAIT_2 on POP3S with two many requests, It is
because of some non-popular WINDOWS CLIENT e.g. tencent foxmail , outlook will
not have this issue.

2. If you're using XMAIL'S internal SSL POP3S with any openssl lib. (tested
0.9.8za 1.0.0, tested gcc 4.0.2/4.0.4/4.3.6) and the email account contain too
many emails (1000-2000 emails), the mobile client POP3 such as Samsung
internal Email Client is using SSL, K9-MAIL on any android devices using SSL,
some iPhone devices (connect with XMAIL SSL port 995), will not download them
successfully (Android Error - Java Exception Error) and some
iPhone device will stuck with it, it will not download all emails
successfully. But if you disable XMAIL'S internal POP3S with -B- startup
option, and switch stunnel 5.17 port 995 tunnel to port 110, it will solve
this problem and kick out FIN_WAIT_2

* stunnel 5.17 config *
accept  = 995
connect = 110
cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem

What do the logs (server, client) say about the errors?

I think you need a faster server HW and/or need to optimize the resources,
for example the number of threads, and possibly also RAM.
An excerpt from the doc:
If you have an heavily loaded server remember to setup the best number of
XMAIL threads by specifying the '-Qn nthreads' option (you must do some
tentatives to find the best value for your needs). Also you can limit the
number of SMTP, POP3 and CTRL service threads by specifying the options '-SX
maxthreads', '-PX maxthreads' and '-CX maxthreads'.

If there are mail filters, you can put them into a ramdisk and set PATH
accordingly, or use an absolute path to them. See also XMAIL_TEMP in the doc.

In task manager / system monitor you can see how the resource usage is,
especially CPU, memory, and network.


xmail mailing list

xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-25 Thread Oversea Site via xmail
No Log Error. No Fatal Error log. No Core Dump

It's not RAM or HW problem. It's XMAIL internal issue, because when I switch to 
stunnel, all problems solved. And then when I test K9-MAIL with XMAIL+STUNNEL, 
K9 Client will not have any JAVA somethings Exception Error

Two tests

1. Very Important Thing in Xmail 1.27 Native SSL

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or 
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it will take the 
server be FIN_WAIT2 (some version, not all)
But K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will appear the error in 
K9-MAIL randomly.

2. Xmail 1.27 + Stunnel Proxy

If the emailbox has many emails such as 1, Microsoft Outlook with SSL or 
NON-SSL download them, it WILL NOT have this issue.
Some Tencent Foxmail for Windows, after finish ssl session, it WILL NOT have 
any problem. Server WILL NOT TAKE FIN_WAIT_2
K9-MAIL for Android, Download first 1000, it will NOT DISPLAY any error when it 
finished download emails.

> Original Message 
>From: "U.Mutlu" 
>To:, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
>Sent: Tue, May 26, 2015, 10:11 AM
>Subject: Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL
>Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/25/2015 09:23 PM:
>> I found the bug on XMAIL 1.27 with SSL (POP3S is main), SSMTP service maybe
>> has a same bug too
>> 1. it will have too many FIN_WAIT_2 on POP3S with two many requests, It is
>> because of some non-popular WINDOWS CLIENT e.g. tencent foxmail , outlook 
>> will
>> not have this issue.
>> 2. If you're using XMAIL'S internal SSL POP3S with any openssl lib. (tested
>> 0.9.8za 1.0.0, tested gcc 4.0.2/4.0.4/4.3.6) and the email account contain 
>> too
>> many emails (1000-2000 emails), the mobile client POP3 such as Samsung
>> internal Email Client is using SSL, K9-MAIL on any android devices using SSL,
>> some iPhone devices (connect with XMAIL SSL port 995), will not download them
>> successfully (Android Error - Java Exception Error) and some
>> iPhone device will stuck with it, it will not download all emails
>> successfully. But if you disable XMAIL'S internal POP3S with -B- startup
>> option, and switch stunnel 5.17 port 995 tunnel to port 110, it will solve
>> this problem and kick out FIN_WAIT_2
>> * stunnel 5.17 config *
>> [pop3s]
>> accept  = 995
>> connect = 110
>> cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
>> ***
>What do the logs (server, client) say about the errors?
>I think you need a faster server HW and/or need to optimize the resources,
>for example the number of threads, and possibly also RAM.
>An excerpt from the doc:
>If you have an heavily loaded server remember to setup the best number of 
>XMAIL threads by specifying the '-Qn nthreads' option (you must do some 
>tentatives to find the best value for your needs). Also you can limit the 
>number of SMTP, POP3 and CTRL service threads by specifying the options '-SX 
>maxthreads', '-PX maxthreads' and '-CX maxthreads'.
>If there are mail filters, you can put them into a ramdisk and set PATH 
>accordingly, or use an absolute path to them. See also XMAIL_TEMP in the doc.
>In task manager / system monitor you can see how the resource usage is, 
>especially CPU, memory, and network.

xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] BUG : XMAIL 1.27 with SSL

2015-05-25 Thread U.Mutlu via xmail

Oversea Site via xmail wrote on 05/25/2015 09:23 PM:

I found the bug on XMAIL 1.27 with SSL (POP3S is main), SSMTP service maybe
has a same bug too

1. it will have too many FIN_WAIT_2 on POP3S with two many requests, It is
because of some non-popular WINDOWS CLIENT e.g. tencent foxmail , outlook will
not have this issue.

2. If you're using XMAIL'S internal SSL POP3S with any openssl lib. (tested
0.9.8za 1.0.0, tested gcc 4.0.2/4.0.4/4.3.6) and the email account contain too
many emails (1000-2000 emails), the mobile client POP3 such as Samsung
internal Email Client is using SSL, K9-MAIL on any android devices using SSL,
some iPhone devices (connect with XMAIL SSL port 995), will not download them
successfully (Android Error - Java Exception Error) and some
iPhone device will stuck with it, it will not download all emails
successfully. But if you disable XMAIL'S internal POP3S with -B- startup
option, and switch stunnel 5.17 port 995 tunnel to port 110, it will solve
this problem and kick out FIN_WAIT_2

* stunnel 5.17 config *
accept  = 995
connect = 110
cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem

What do the logs (server, client) say about the errors?

I think you need a faster server HW and/or need to optimize the resources,
for example the number of threads, and possibly also RAM.
An excerpt from the doc:
If you have an heavily loaded server remember to setup the best number of 
XMAIL threads by specifying the '-Qn nthreads' option (you must do some 
tentatives to find the best value for your needs). Also you can limit the 
number of SMTP, POP3 and CTRL service threads by specifying the options '-SX 
maxthreads', '-PX maxthreads' and '-CX maxthreads'.


If there are mail filters, you can put them into a ramdisk and set PATH 
accordingly, or use an absolute path to them. See also XMAIL_TEMP in the doc.

In task manager / system monitor you can see how the resource usage is, 
especially CPU, memory, and network.


xmail mailing list