On 09/18/2011 10:24 PM, Glen Hein wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a software developer and I'd like to contribute to Gnome's XML
> project. I've used the libxml software for a long time and I'd like to
> give something back.
> I just started a voluntary career break, but I'd like to stay active.
> I looked over the TODO file, but I'm not sure which item to tackle.
> Could you recommend an item for someone new to the project?
> Thanks,
> Glen Hein

One thing that would be super cool would be multi-threaded xslt
processing (e.g. for chunked document output). Unfortunately again, this
is not trivial at all. But any speedup for xslt processing would be
great. The docbook xml -> html step in gtk-doc is so slow that most
developers to api-doc generation off still :/

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