Nevermind, I got it working this way (note that "node" is the Signature node)

    dsigCtx = xmlSecDSigCtxCreate(NULL);
    if (dsigCtx == NULL) {
        rb_raise(rb_eXMLError, "Failed to create Signature Context");

    keyNode = xmlSecFindNode(node, xmlSecNodeKeyInfo, xmlSecDSigNs);
    dsigCtx->signKey = xmlSecKeyCreate();
if ((xmlSecKeyInfoNodeRead(keyNode, dsigCtx->signKey, &dsigCtx- >keyInfoReadCtx)) < 0) {
        rb_raise(rb_eXMLError, "Could not read KeyInfo");

    if(xmlSecDSigCtxVerify(dsigCtx, node) < 0) {
        rb_raise(rb_eXMLError, "Failed to verify signature");

It's working just fine now :-D

On May 8, 2008, at 1:57 PM, Rolando Abarca wrote:

I read the thread here:

but still can't verify my signature with the supplied KeyInfo. This is what I've been doing so far:

   dsigCtx = xmlSecDSigCtxCreate(NULL);
   if (dsigCtx == NULL) {
       rb_raise(rb_eXMLError, "Failed to create Signature Context");

if ((xmlSecPtrListAdd(&(dsigCtx->keyInfoReadCtx.enabledKeyData), (xmlSecPtr) xmlSecKeyDataX509Id) < 0) || (xmlSecPtrListAdd(&(dsigCtx->keyInfoReadCtx.enabledKeyData), (xmlSecPtr) xmlSecKeyDataRsaId) < 0)){
       rb_raise(rb_eXMLError, "Failed to limit key info");

   if(xmlSecDSigCtxVerify(dsigCtx, node) < 0) {
       rb_raise(rb_eXMLError, "Failed to verify signature");

but I still can't make it verify with the supplied key:

func = xmlSecDSigCtxProcessKeyInfoNode:file =xmldsig.c:line=871:obj=unknown:subj=unknown:error=45:key is not found: func = xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode:file = xmldsig .c:line =565:obj=unknown:subj=xmlSecDSigCtxProcessKeyInfoNode:error=1:xmlsec library function failed: func = xmlSecDSigCtxVerify:file = xmldsig .c:line = 366 :obj=unknown:subj=xmlSecDSigCtxSigantureProcessNode:error=1:xmlsec library function failed:

can you please tell me what do I need to do in order to verify a xml file with the RSA pub key inside the xml? like this:


the xml was built with libxml and signed with xmlsec (using a dinamically created template).

Rolando Abarca M.

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