New APL keyboard maps

2009-05-14 Thread Timothy S. Nelson
	Hi all.  I've been interacting with the APL community to create 
keyboard maps for their special-purpose keyboards (I don't use APL myself, 
though).  I've created some keyboard maps that, while probably not perfect, 
are probably a step ahead of the complete lack of support that we currently 
have for APL.

My question is, is this the correct place to send them?

[Note for those not familiar with APL: APL is a programming language that uses 
a large number of symbols to represent its syntax; it's semi-mathematical, and 
allows a very concise representation of an algorithm.  It has regularly had 
specialised keyboards provided for it in the past. ]

	Oh, incidentally, has there been any thought given to making xkbprint 
support unicode?

Keyboard map follows:

// APL Keyboard Layouts

// This file supports:
// -The Sharp APL for Unix (SAX) layout
// -The IBM APL2 layout
// -The Manugistics APL*PLUS II (Version 5.1, 1993) keyboard layout

// Unicode APL table:
// ...and another: 
(appendix A)
// Generic Unicode stuff:

// Tim Nelson (this file's creator) says:

// This file doesn't deal with all the combining stuff -- I'm not an APL 
// and am not quite sure what's needed here.  However, it may be possible to 
get this
// working with dead keys and the like.  Patches gratefully accepted.

// Some of the shift-key assignments may differ from the APL tradition.  If
// that's not considered acceptable, it should be possible to remap the 
// shift keys.  I have striven, however, to ensure that the use of shift keys

// in these maps is at least self-consistent.

// I'm assuming that this will be used with another keyboard layout (ie. for 
// your language), with a special shift key to use these maps.

partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys 
xkb_symbols common {

name[Group1]= APL Keyboard Symbols: Common;

key AE01 { [diaeresis   ] };
key AE02 { [U00AF   ] }; // ¯ -- Macron
key AE03 { [less] };
key AE04 { [U2264   ] }; // â?¤ -- Less-than Or Equal To
key AE05 { [equal   ] };
key AE06 { [U2265   ] }; // â?¥ -- Greater-than Or Equal To
key AE07 { [greater ] };
key AE08 { [U2260   ] }; // â?  -- Not Equal To
key AE09 { [U2228   ] }; // â?¨ -- Logical Or
key AE10 { [U2227   ] }; // â?§ -- Logical And

// Q
key AD01 { [question] };
// W
key AD02 { [U2375   ] }; // â?µ -- APL Functional Symbol 
// E
key AD03 { [U220A   ] }; // â?? -- Small Element Of
// R
key AD04 { [U2374   ] }; // â?´ -- APL Functional Symbol 
// T
key AD05 { [asciitilde  ] };
// Y
key AD06 { [U2191   ] }; // â?? -- Upwards Arrow
// U
key AD07 { [U2193   ] }; // â?? -- Downwards Arrow
// I
key AD08 { [U2373   ] }; // â?³ -- APL Functional Symbol Iota
// O
key AD09 { [U25CB   ] }; // â?? -- White Circle
// P
key AD10 { [U22C6   ] }; // â?? -- Should this be a plain 
asterisk, or the star operator???
// [
key AD11 { [U2190   ] }; // â?? -- Leftwards Arrow

// A
key AC01 { [U237A   ] }; // â?º -- APL Functional Symbol Alpha
// S
key AC02 { [U2308   ] }; // â?? -- Left Ceiling
// D
key AC03 { [U230A   ] }; // â?? -- Left Floor
// F
key AC04 { [underscore  ] };
// G
key AC05 { [U2207   ] }; // â?? -- Nabla
// H
key AC06 { [U2206   ] }; // â?? -- Increment
// J
key AC07 { [U2218   ] }; // â?? -- Ring Operator
// K
key AC08 { [apostrophe ] };
// L
key AC09 { [U2395   ] }; // â?? -- APL Functional Symbol Quad

// Z
key AB01 { [U2282   ] }; // â?? -- Subset Of
// X
key AB02 { [U2283   ] }; // â?? -- Superset Of
// C
key AB03 { [U2229   ] }; // â?© -- Intersection
// V
key AB04 { [U222A   ] }; // â?ª -- Union
// B
key AB05 { [U22A5   ] }; // â?¥ -- Up Tack
// N
key AB06 { [U22A4   ] }; // â?¤ -- Down Tack
// M
key AB07 { [U007C   ] }; // | -- Vertical Line

// Keys common to a number of keyboards that allow normal language usage 
alongside APL
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys 
xkb_symbols unified {

name[Group1]= APL Keyboard Symbols: Unified Layout;

include apl(common)

// `

Re: New APL keyboard maps

2009-05-14 Thread Alan Coopersmith

Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
 Hi all.  I've been interacting with the APL community to create
 keyboard maps for their special-purpose keyboards (I don't use APL
 myself, though).  I've created some keyboard maps that, while probably
 not perfect, are probably a step ahead of the complete lack of support
 that we currently have for APL.
 My question is, is this the correct place to send them?

Not really - X.Org no longer maintains the XKB keyboard layout data,
but relies on the xkeyboard-config project hosted at -
see their submission instructions at:

Their main web page is at:

-Alan Coopersmith-
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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