Dear Madam/Sir,

I have an XLib-based application (however old), which is running by opening a 
terminal session from a Windows client computer on an OpenVms server. It is 
running OK unless the client machine has multiple monitors. In that case we 
experience the following problems:

1.       I cannot drag the top window completely from one monitor to another: 
however I try, the part of this window still stays "stuck" to the original 

2.       When one is trying to maximize the top window, it extends to the full 
screen meaning the bounding rectangle of all the monitors present - but I would 
like to restrict it so that it would occupy the physical screen rather than the 
logical one. I cannot locate any way for doing that though. I can not determine:

a.       The index (for example, or some sort of identification) of the current 
monitor, where "current" means the monitor the top program window is located at;

b.      The dimensions of the current monitor;
               The calls to the XHeightOfScreen() and XWidthOfScreen() return 
the size of the logical screen without the taskbar, which makes the situation 
even more confusing... How can I find out then where the taskbar is located and 
what is its width - for that matter?
                If I could answer these questions at list I would have tried to 
implement some empirical logic assuming that all monitors attached are of the 
same size... which is certainly not guaranteed but can be tolerated at the 
moment if there is no better solution.

Anyway, I will greatly appreciate your help on this issue!

Best regards,

Mike Faynberg<>

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