xkbcomp is executed by the X server when loading or switching keyboard
layouts to compile the XKB keyboard configuration data files into the binary
format that the X server reads.

Alan Coopersmith (3):
      Make sure to leave room for trailing nil byte in yyGetNumber
      Delete redundant redeclarations of extern Atoms in symbols.c
      xkbcomp 1.2.4

Andreas Wettstein (1):
      include resets group compatibility modifiers #43091

Jeremy Huddleston (6):
      Include strings.h for strcasecmp and string.h for strdup
      Add missing _X_NORETURN to uFatalError
      Fix -Wformat warnings
      Correct our zeroing out of the row in InitRowInfo
      Silence -Wshadow warnings
      Silence -Wparentheses-equality

Peter Hutterer (2):
      Print version number on -version.
      Add .pc file for version export

git tag: xkbcomp-1.2.4

MD5:  a0fc1ac3fc4fe479ade09674347c5aa0
SHA1: 695d2f2824884d9e54aa1419282ae167fdea163b
SHA256: 91d0c9ab445d21dfe1892dbae5ae5264f39bae68223dd092ffc547c9450b5a2d

MD5:  448751804ff126a3935d3ae39ef3110b
SHA1: 49a3a86771dc91414b0d0b1d827b6025f2e71322
SHA256: be01f1922437f23411adc9790ffe89c8619c60d45ba31a1ca9695f6723cbb00b

        -Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc

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Description: PGP signature

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