Here's another minor 1.6-based release with a few fixes pulled from
master. A few crashers from input and GLX, then some fixes to make RandR
rotation work a bit better.

Please post additional cherry-pick requests to the Server16Branch wiki
page and I'll pull them into the next RC for 1.6.4.

Dan Nicholson (1):
      xfree86: Link libselinux with Xorg system libraries

Keith Packard (5):
      xf86_reload_cursors: fix cursor position to eliminate jumping after mode 
      Perform rotation redisplay before calling driver block handler (which may 
flush rendering)
      Ensure that rotation updates happen frequently
      Block signals while delivering XTest events (fixes bug 23100)
      Bump version to (1.6.4 RC1)

Michel Dänzer (2):
      glx: If a destroyed window is bound to the current context, make it not 
      glx: Clean up more thoroughly if the drawable of a current context goes 

Peter Hutterer (3):
      Xext: fix up wrong conditions for negative sync transitions.
      config: don't shutdown the libhal ctx if it failed to initialize (#23213)
      dix: update the sprite trace for all masters && floating slaves (#23257)

Richard Hughes (1):
      Do not reset lastDeviceEventTime when we do dixSaveScreens

git tag: xorg-server-
MD5: 8d43c4cb43e6a10550e68fbbcad10e9d  xorg-server-
SHA1: 09e3d46178701ce76911553ee53309686822bb31  xorg-server-
MD5: fdf8fef701a718c5d49592c7b663e576  xorg-server-
SHA1: 7982c8414a4f7e925271ed99106d42f352ecb47e  xorg-server-


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