libXi 1.4.4 caused requests to fail if the library was built against 2.1 or
2.2 protocol headers. 

Instead of requiring 2.0 for XI2 requests, the library required the protocol
version (2.1 or 2.2 depending on the proto) and failed if the server did not
support that version. This again caused virtually all XI2 requests to fail
if you didn't happen to run an X server from git.

The patch below hardcodes 2.0 for those requests that require 2.0,
regardless of the protocol version. You are strongly enocuraged to update.

This issue is not visible when built against inputproto 2.0.x

Peter Hutterer (2):
      Don't use the protocol defines for 2.0 versioning.
      libXi 1.4.5

git tag: libXi-1.4.5
MD5:  82dcdc76388116800a2c3ad969f510a4  libXi-1.4.5.tar.bz2
SHA1: 8ac24dec8e488f49fd6a6b256c815da9ceec9737  libXi-1.4.5.tar.bz2
SHA256: 22a99123229d22e6e1567c4cda0224a744475f427625d61b23d965157a86f1b5  
MD5:  47a383f7358489df0a57e9b89e3eb220  libXi-1.4.5.tar.gz
SHA1: e50f5606b70555f61457f40067e6d8120dcb40ac  libXi-1.4.5.tar.gz
SHA256: b083c8d6094b9c9d856ebc46cb194d6f7038a729ed352a9c19bfb288ef576b46  

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Description: PGP signature

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