libXv is the Xlib-based client library for the X Video (Xv) extension.

This quick fix release corrects an issue with the security fix from 1.0.8,
in which, if the size checks did determine the response from the X server
was too large to fit in the buffer it had allocated, XvQueryPortAttributes
could return a pointer to the caller that pointed to uninitialized memory
where the caller expected a nil-terminated string.

Alan Coopersmith (2):
      XvQueryPortAttributes: add a comment explaining memory strategy
      libXv 1.0.9

Daphne Pfister (1):
      Bug 65252: Ensure final name is nil-terminated & none point to 
uninitialized memory.

git tag: libXv-1.0.9
MD5:  3f642e1d868a2289769b983cf346e7bb
SHA1: cf6d40664b436673f92ed15bc4fadb6bc8d7ce26
SHA256: a874dbf864d0271bbe795af67ef5b3f20096c92fc11eacbf0d2af00e32bc5b4b
MD5:  d4b602ff83a2f676e43bc52f5fa37252
SHA1: f5227997a614cff1afcc19c5eb8ae4c184b0cb12
SHA256: d9deb163fbfd72b39581b18d64ae2261e9d8db7aa1bb2d3dab27b1fceab53174

        -Alan Coopersmith-    
         Oracle Solaris Engineering -

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