Hello Xperts,

we'll try to get an Radeon 7500 + 19'' 1600x1200 TFT via DVI working
but fail so far (Redhat i386 Linux 7.2 + rawhide XFree 4.2.0 rpms from
1-Apr: *-4.2.0-6.52).

VGA connectior works but TFT is hard/impossible to sync with the gfx card

Best DVI result is with

        Option  "NoDDC"
        Option  "PanelSize" "1600x1200"

Without NoDDC screen is simply black and the OSM shows a sync to 720x400@70Hz.
Without PanelSize option Radeon driver insists that resolution bigger than
1024x768 are not possible.

With PanelSize "1600x1200" and NoDDC the resolutions of 1600x1200 and 1024x768
via DVI behave like:

X<return> gives a screen with the lower ~ 16.5 cm okay but the upper
~ 19.5 cm flicker like hell.   Further there's a ghost image of the
mouse cursor:  If the mouse cursor is at the bottom the ghost cursor
is at the border of the  non- and flicker area (only the upper half
of the cross is visible just as for the real mouse cursor).  The
host cursor is always ~ 18 cm to the right and ~ 16.5 cm above the
real cursor.

Without panelsize the resolution 1024x768 is correctly displayed as
perfect as possible on a 1600x1200 TFT panel ;)

Appended are the config and log log files, one with NoDDC and one
without NoDDC.

Do we miss another options?  Driver bug?

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  You discover truth everytime you use it.
                                      -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Attachment: XF86Config-4.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: XFree86.0.log.ddc.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: XFree86.0.log.noddc.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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