Hello everybody,

we're really close to getting everything ready. Here is again a quick
recap of things.

1. Yay!

- GDM theme. It now even has XDMCP-login button thus fixing bug #71412.
Thanks Charlie and everybody for testing and giving feedback.
- Wallpaper (also in widescreen).
- Icon theme "Gnome Brave". Needs reviewing!
(- xfwm theme.)
- Countdown banners!

Thanks Lionel for the hard work done uploading things and doing the
package management.

2. Boo!

- GTK theme. Shall we stick with MurrineStormCloud?
- Usplash.

3. Mmh?

We created a JS feature carousel for Ubuntu (see
http://emonk.fi/open/ubuntu/Feature%20Carousel/). Do we want for Xubuntu
as well? What should that include? Remember we can for example do this
for the last three days.

Some ideas for this: "Xfce 4.6", "All new artwork", "Cute mice!", "With
cheese", "Brought to you by the Xubuntu Team" and if we're doing this
for some last days: "Experience the Jaunty Jackalope", "Supported until
blahblah" ...

Throw in some ideas.

Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Marketing Lead
Web-designer, graphic artist
IRC: knome @ freenode

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