Hello Marc,

> Wow!  Sorry to hear you got banned from the Yahoo!
> XAML group.

 No worries. It's not the first time I got banned.
Unfortunately, most online "communities" are not
communities at all but more like cults that don't
tolerate any different world views that conradict
their dogma (e.g. there's only Mozilla XUL, only
Avalon XAML is REAL XAML, W3C XForms is not an XML UI
language, Macromedia Flex is unique and not yet
another XML UI language and so on so forth are just
some samples that got some true believers all worked
up in the last week) 

>  I'd like to
> post my responses on my blog, but I'd like to get
> your permission first.

  Sure. Go ahead and use whatever comments or posts
you  want to publish.

> Well, what *is* XAML?  I've heard a few definitions,
> but the one that sticks
> in my mind is "eXtensible Application Markup
> Language".  Another one I've
> heard is "Xml Application Markup Language".
> Anyways, who/what defines what XAML is?  Is it
> Microsoft?  Currently,
> Avalon-XAML isn't set in stone.
> > Why would you call it MyXAML when it is not XAML?
> Why isn't MyXaml XAML?  It certainly fits the
> definition of the acronym.

  Thanks for your response. Clearly MyXaml is XAML.
Arguing that it's not is just silly. I've included my
Yahoo! XAML group response in the appendix.

> Personally, I think Ron is unhappy with the presence
> of MyXaml. 

  I agree Ron clearly feels threatened by a free
alternative XAML parser that competes with his very
own commercial Mobiform XAML offering. 
  - Gerald

> First off MyXAML is NOT XAML.

Well, MyXAML *is* XAML. XAML by its definition is not
a well-defined markup language like say W3C HTML v4.0
instead XAML is a technique.

> 1) Why would you call it MyXAML when it is not

Again, MyXAML is XAML.

> 2) Why would you mislead people into thinking what
> you are doing is using the XAML syntax?

Again, MyXAML uses the XAML technique and syntax.

> 3) Why would you waste your time? The world will
> obviously
> divide into those using REAL XAML and those using
> SVG with RCC and
> XForms. A proprietary format, open source or
> otherwise, won't fly.

Well, that's just your opinion. If you want to focus
on "real XAML" I suggest using the term Avalon or
Longhorn e.g. Avalon XAML or Longhorn XAML.

> Anyone even slightly thinking of using such a
> solution needs their heads examined.

Not really. It's here today, it's free and it works.

> This newsgroup is for the XAML syntax. Any postings
> regarding MyXAML
> will be considered spam and be deleted.

Well, may I suggest creating a new Yahoo! Group if you
want to focus on Avalon XAML. Why not use Avalon
instead of XAML? Or how about WinFX?

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