
  Elifarley writes:

I'm searching for the best XUL framework for my next
project (a system for clinics and hospitals which will
use SimpleORM as its persistence layer). Could anyone
provide a more detailed comparison of the currently
available XUL frameworks? Below I have gathered some
info from the web (along with some comments) which I
hope will be usefull to other people who want to
choose a XUL framework:

- ThinCLet (http://thinclet.sourceforge.net/) - It's
an add-on for Thinlet, allowing for component-based
development, somewhat similar in concept to Tapestry.
I would not use Thinlet without ThinCLet anymore. Is
this component-based approach available to the other

- CookSWT (http://cookxml.sourceforge.net/cookswt/) -
Provides an SWT-based GUI. All SWT Layouts. Any
complex layouts can be created. All SWT Listeners.
Simple custom dialog creations with <xmldialog>. Can
Include other XML documents, or an element within an
XML document. Locale and ResourceBundle support.
Various containers (Vector, LinkedList, Map, Set, and
such), Strings, primitives, Object/primitive arrays,
etc can all be configured.

- Beryl XML GUI - Displays its GUI using Swing. Has a
nice graphical editor. Can be used with the Groovy
scripting language to create scripted user interfaces.
Almost all of the Swing widgets are supported.
Integrates with JavaHelp.Supports Drag'n'Drop with
much less effort. Builtin internationalization. Uses
caching for improved performance. Validators can be
attached to widgets, common validators are supplied
(Date, Number, Phone number, Email address ..).
Spacings are automatically set to conform with the
Java Look And Feel Design Guidelines. Automatic
"Group" layout for easy construction of simple
dialogs. Embraces the MVC design pattern. Ready for
J2EE client applications (For example you can
automatically create a table row from a J2EE value
object). Adds several much-needed custom swing
components: JWizard, JIconView, JConsole, JOutlookBar
and JHorizontalSeparator. This library is actively
used for the development of internal software at a
major German internet webspace provider

- XUI (http://xui.sourceforge.net/) - Seems to be the
most comprehensive solution (excluding Genesis).
Displays its GUI using AWT or Swing. Provides event
and data binding to controls. XUI is a Java and XML
framework for building rich client, desktop and mobile
applications. XUI is also an ideal development tool
for building occasionally connected applications such
as those which are required for field workers or PDAs.
The framework supports rich data binding features,
greatly simplifying data access.Complete applications
can also be built with XUI using XML with application
logic written in Java (no JavaScript). The framework
includes a graphical IDE to help you get started and
to further speed up the application development
process. Has a NetBeans plugin (I could not find an
Eclipse plugin).

- Genesis
Not a XUL framework, nevertheless it provides a XML
GUI solution based on Thinlet.

genesis is an open-source framework that aims to bring
simplicity, productivity, testability and scalability
to enterprise application development.

It combines several public libraries that have been
largely adopted by industry in an unique way, such as
Hibernate, AspectWerkz, Thinlet, Jakarta-Commons and
others, and puts together all of the experience Summa
has acquired over the years in building
mission-critical applications.

It has been developed and tested based on real user
requirements and is the result of experience gained
during project execution. One of the customer
solutions built using genesis is currently processing
over 1 million transactions per day, a fact that
proves framework scalability.

UI development support: genesis-client makes UI
development extremely simple. By putting together a
couple of ordinary JavaBeans and a few lines of
configuration, it's possible to control all UI flow
and common characteristics, such as visibility,
enabling / disabling fields, cascade clearing fields,
calling methods under some circumstances and
automatically populating components such as comboboxes
and tables.

  Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thinlet/message/1705

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