
  I plan to kick off a new poll early next week asking
"What Java XML UI Toolkit Do You Use Most?"

  I invite you to send in your nominations. Please
note that only free, open source toolkits in Java

  So far possible candidates include:

   * Xoetrope XUI 
   * SwiXml
   * Thinlet
   * Luxor
   * Ibex/XWT
   * SwingML
   * XSWT
   * JellySwing/SWT
   * Jazilla
   * Nyx/Xulux
   * Sulu
   * Vexi 
   * Beryl
   * Purnama XUI 
   * Java Desktop Network Components (JDNC)/SwingX

   Let us know if a free, open source XML UI toolkit
is missing in the lineup.

   - Gerald

PS: You can see the results from the last "What Java
XUL Toolkit Do You Use Most?" poll online @

Gerald Bauer

Thinlet Developers Group  |
SwiXml Developers Group   |
JDNC Developers Group     | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jdnc

Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

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