On 03/13/2018 03:11 PM, Ancor Gonzalez Sosa wrote:
I don't know which YaST-related tasks are planned for the openSUSE
Conference 2018 in May. Are we sharing the ideas somewhere?

I assume Josef will make his annual presentation about what's new in
YaST and I know that Imo and Schubi have an AutoYaST workshop in the oven.

I was thinking that the so-called team-S should make a presentation
about storage-ng. I drafted the content you can find below. What do you
think? Do you agree? Would you change the approach? Did somebody already
sent a talk proposal for the conference about storage-ng?

YaST: what Storage-ng will bring and what else do YOU want?

As many openSUSE users may know, two of the most important YaST
components, libstorage and yast2-storage, were recently rewritten from
scratch in order to ease the maintenance and to be prepared for whatever
the future brings. Now we have a solid base to adapt the current
behavior without compromising the existing supported scenarios and to
implement new and shiny features.

During this presentation we will explain the present and the plans for
the supported installation scenarios, for the partitioning proposal
(a.k.a. Guided Setup) and for our beloved Partitioner. We need help from
the openSUSE community to review and refine those plans and to bring new
ideas to the table. Bring your storage wish list!

As part of the presentation, I would also mention something about:
* why a new storage
* numbers (test coverage, etc)
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