Sergio Nunes wrote:
> While navigating through my bookmarks, I found myself thinking that
> some form of regular expressions for tag selection would greatly
> improve my filtering. For example, I use "qualifiers" in several tags
> (e.g.: date:2007, date:200701, recipe:fish, ...) It would be great to
> be able to use regular expressions with these tags (e.g. date:>2006 or
> recipe:*).     

How about just splitting those into multiple tags?  Search for
"recipe+fish" for recipes involving fish, and just "recipe" to get all
the recipes.

I once wanted Del to have different "types" or "namespaces" of tags as
well, but the generalized solution often works just as well.  It may
leave the exact nature of a tag ambiguous but it's also flexible, which
is a strength.

Tim Larson
InterCall, a subsidiary of West Corporation
Eschew obfuscation!

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