I'm trying to get a bitbake file to pull down the latest revision of a 
mercurial repo when it builds. It's unfortunately undocumented (
), though there are a few mailing list posts on the topic. None of my 
attempts to recreate their methods have panned out.

This is what the .bb file looks like:

# Variables for locations.
SRC_URI = "hg://selhg//hg/products/test;rev=${SRCREV}

# Sources are downloaded to an hg subdirectory when pulling a repo.
S = "${WORKDIR}/hg"

# The version of the library we're going to install.
# Set PV to SRCPV so bitbake knows it should always check SRC_URI for a 
# version of the application.
PV = "${SRCPV}"
PR = "r0"
PE = "1"

And here's the relevant part of the output error:

/usr/bin/env hg up -C -r AUTOINC
| DEBUG: Python function base_do_unpack finished
| DEBUG: Python function do_unpack finished
| ERROR: Function failed: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit 
code 255, output:
| abort: unknown revision 'AUTOINC'!
NOTE: recipe test-1_AUTOINC+AUTOINC-r0: task do_unpack: Failed
DEBUG: Teardown for bitbake-worker
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 361 tasks of which 359 didn't need to be 
rerun and 1 failed.

Summary: 1 task failed:
  /home/roygarr/git/poky/meta/recipes-core/test/test_0.0.1.bb, do_unpack
Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

The problem seems to be that AUTOREV is resolving to AUTOINC instead of a 
hash number. There are a few mumblings across the forums that this has to 
do with the PV and SRCREV variables, but I haven't been able to connect 
the dots.

I have had some success in recreating this with the Git fetcher. The .bb 
file is almost identical, but something about it works out in a more 
positive way. My money's on the "rev=" argument that the hg fetcher needs 
but the git fetcher doesn't.

# Variables for locations.

# Sources are downloaded to a git subdirectory when pulling a repo.
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

# The version of the library we're going to install.
# Set PV to SRCPV so bitbake knows it should always check SRC_URI for a 
# version of the application.
PV = "${SRCPV}"
PR = "r0"
PE = "1"


DEBUG: Executing task do_clean
NOTE: recipe test-1_AUTOINC+1072c0d5c6-r0: task do_clean: Started
NOTE: recipe test-1_AUTOINC+1072c0d5c6-r0: task do_clean: Succeeded

Any insight you can offer would be appreciated.

- Roy, Intern at SEL

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